Emotion Code Seminar | October 2024 | Kazakhstan
Join us in Almaty, Kazakhstan For a two-day Emotion Code Seminar Dr. Bradley Nelson will teach a two-day seminar on the Emotion Code in Almaty, Kazakhstan! The event takes place on October 19 and 20. Learn the basics of this energy healing method from its creator. Enjoy learning to release the emotions that could be holding you back from your BEST life! Register Today At this hands-on seminar taught by Dr. Bradley Nelson, you will... Learn everything you need to know to start freeing yourself from trapped emotions Find more confidence in using muscle testing techniques Gain hands-on experience during breakout sessions Learn the Emotion Code® during this seminar, held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on October 19 and 20, 2024! Experience energy healing in action, as Dr. Brad shares demonstrations with audience volunteers. Lively lectures will give attendees a deep understanding of the foundational techniques of the Emotion Code, and audience members will gain hands-on experience through practice sessions releasing inherited emotional baggage, how to easily work on yourself and others, and even how to use energy healing at a distance. Plus, take this opportunity to ask any questions you may have! Register Today