I have had a long battle with severe gluten intolerance. Although blood testing did not reveal celiac disease, a stool test from Enterolabs did show intolerance to dairy and gluten as well as 2 common genes associated with celiac disease.

With The Body Code, I began clearing what was underlying dairy and gluten reactions. As I worked on this, it became clear that I had multiple food reactions including reactions to corn, fats and oils, humectants and other food addititives. What was really surprising to me was that I was consistently led to underlying inherited Trapped Emotions from my mother and father going back many generations. Emotions of Worthlessness and Humiliation were prominent.

My father was an alcoholic. My gut feeling is that I inherited a general sensitivity to many substances and that the background of alcoholism is connectd with this. Perhaps food sensitivities are common with the children of alcoholics?? After all, alcoholism, too, can be described as an allergy to alcohol.

As I uncover and clear each sensitivity, I am having less episodes of food reactions and if I have a reaction, the symptoms are less severe and the recovery time is shorter. The majority of the odd symptoms I have thought of as chronic fatigue or an unknown autoimmune disease seem to have their roots in inherited Trapped Emotions!

~ Sandra S.

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