The spotlight is on Marianne Burton, one of our Certified Practitioners!
Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of this post for contact information and more!

How did you find out about The Emotion Code and The Body Code?

A friend shared The Emotion Code book with me the year after it was first published. I was familiar with muscle testing, and fascinated with the method of identifying trapped emotions. I had personal success with it and continued to learn as I got busy with family, business and homeschooling. 
Several years later another friend introduced me to The Body Code. She had the program and was learning it to use with her family. That introduction piqued my interest, and caused me to pursue certification in Emotion Code and Body Code.

How do you think these healing methods compare to other energy healing modalities?

I have experienced a number of other modalities in my pursuit of well-being, including chiropractic, Body Talk, EFT, EMDR, massage, aroma therapy, and others. Each of them has benefits but I prefer the simple, non-invasive and powerful approach of energy releases in The Body Code. The fact that Body Code can work at a distance is a statement of its power to heal.

What advice would you give to those that are new to either The Emotion Code or The Body Code?

Talk to me as a practitioner, ask questions, and when you are ready, experience a release or two. Or dive right into a session, or a series of sessions to clear a Heart-Wall™. Body Code work is based on principles of physics which are becoming more and more understood throughout the world.

What differences do you see between our healing methods and the westernized medical/drug industry?

I believe the key to that question is in the word “industry.” The medical/drug industry benefits from people remaining in need. Using Body Code can help you recognize the areas of your life that need healing and provide you with the tools to do so.

Do you have a healing story that you could tell us about? 

What motivated me to become a Body Code Practitioner was my husband, Chris, who has an acquired brain injury caused by a congenital issue. With his first brain bleed he was given a 10% chance of survival. As we were able to release physical and emotional imbalances, healing started on many levels. The healing was within him, but also leading out to our family. It has been a journey of miracles. As his healing emerged I realized that I wanted to bring that possibility to others.

If you could tell the world about Dr  Nelson’s methods in one sentence, what would it be?

The human body was created with the ability to heal itself. The Body Code was created to unblock those abilities painlessly and with lasting positive effects.

How do you see this work impacting the future of health care?

It seems that the world is waking up to the importance of relying on our own bodies and our life habits to regain and maintain well-being. Western medicine plays an important role in certain areas such as emergency treatment, but The Body Code and other healing modalities can prevent the need for certain emergency care. Traditional health care is rapidly changing.

Contact info:



Phone: (360) 582-6366 (text or voice message, answered within 24 hours except Sundays)