This spotlight is on Rikke Wriedt Klüver-Kristensen, a Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner! Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of this post for contact information and more!

What drives your passion for energy healing? Why do you love doing what you do?

Energy healing has been the greatest gift of my life because 1) through it I personally have experienced deep healing 2) it allows me to wake up with a smile on my face every morning, knowing that I get to make a real difference in this world.

What advice would you give to those that are new to practicing The Body Code?

Don’t give up! Be patient and kind to yourself. Honestly, at first I found The Body Code overwhelming. Over time it gets easy and fun.

Why have you found being a Body Code Practitioner so valuable in your personal life?

The Body Code has served as a portal for me through which my whole life has expanded. Learning how to communicate with the body and subconscious mind has taught me so much about what being human really means and about how life and this world we live in works. I feel I am on an eternal expedition exploring the mysteries of the human body, psyche and the spiritual world.

Do you have any success stories or testimonials that you’d like to share with us?

There are so many great stories, it’s hard to choose… One interesting case was a teenage boy who was normally happy and healthy, but who experienced severe anxiety attacks to the point of vomiting after a single incidence of smoking hashish. I did three-email session with him.

The first session showed that he was in a state of reversal with his energies flowing backwards. His right-left and front-back energy flows were switched too. His sympathetic nervous system (fight-flight-freeze response) was working at 310%. The energy field around his brain was broken and a ton of heavy inherited emotions and traumas had surfaced. After the first session his mother wrote me that immediately after he felt very relaxed, he even cried with relief because the shift was so dramatic and told his mother that he was starving hungry. She wrote me: “I bow in awe to you and your healing method.”

Do you practice any other modalities or healing work along with The Body Code? Please describe!

I am also a certified EFT practitioner and integrate tapping when my clients bodies request it. I work extensively with visualizations and chakra activations and I have developed a number of resources allowing me to give my clients very specific guidance regarding how they can work towards healing between sessions (meditations, other self-help methods, exercises, etc.)

What excites you most about being involved in the field of natural health care?

I owe my life to Western Medicine. On two occasions I have needed surgery for issues that could have left me dead. But Western Medicine has its limitations and, as I see it, a lot of blind spots. Natural healing is all about helping people heal from the inside out and empowering them to understand what makes them ill and what enables them to heal, so they can make better choices for themselves going forward. What’s not to like??!

What is your specialty, if any?

I specialize in working with adults who feel completely STUCK. People who have tried “everything” but are not getting the results they long for. I have developed a special session type called “Light in the Dark” to help them move forward and start getting results. I also specialize in working with children and their families and I am offering a family healing package that combines Heart-Wall clearing with healing of the individual members and of the family entity.

Contact Info:

Phone: +45 22 10 35 82
Online booking:
Website (English):
Website (Danish):