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Creating New Future After Heart-Wall Cleared

"Since clearing my Heart-Wall® I feel free to be me. I no longer have a feeling of lack and I am so excited about my present and future. I am easily able to create new opportunities in my personal and professional life." ~Bronwyn K., Queensland, Australia While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

Can Connect Now That Heart-Wall is History

"I have always had a hard time connecting with people and God. I never knew why; I just figured there was something wrong with me. I knew I was different and blamed it on my upbringing and all the abuse I suffered as a child. Once I heard Dr. Brad talk about his wife's story of her Heart-Wall®, I knew I had to give the Emotion Code® a try. I had tried many other things but nothing really made a difference. "I released some trapped emotions and for some reason didn't feel a whole lot different. I asked about it at a live seminar and found out that safety might have been playing a role. I just assumed it was because of my husband (as we were having some marriage problems), but later I found out that it was about feeling safe in life and with God. "I grew up with a violent alcoholic father and a mentally unstable mother who used God in a very unhealthy way. I was taught that God was judging and going to punish me if I ever did anything wrong so I grew up fearing God and life. As a result, I also closed off my heart and developed a Heart-Wall. "After about a year of doing this work off and on, I decided to let someone else work on me and see if I was somehow getting in my own way. Well wouldn't [...]

Reaching For Life’s Full Potential Without Heart-Wall

"I was struggling with extreme anxiety and depression for many years. My life was filled with trauma and pain. Even as a young adult I noticed how sick my body felt. It got so bad I even remember waking up every day from nightmares and being sick to my stomach. It was exhausting and I was losing hope. My best friend had discovered an Emotion Code® practitioner and was curious about trying it out. My depression took a turn for the worse and I decided to work with this practitioner hoping it would help. "Once the practitioner removed most of my Heart-Wall®, I decided to do the last session on my own since it was very meaningful. Ever since my Heart-Wall was removed, I have felt spiritually awake. I live my life now with very minimal anxiety and my depression feels lifted. I finally feel like I am living life to the fullest and the best part is, everyone around me is also growing and improving. I wake up every day so grateful to be alive and to have the life I always envisioned for my family and myself. I plan to move forward and dedicate my life to help others reach their full potential and to help make their dreams come into reality! "Thank you Dr. Bradley Nelson for everything you do. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart!" ~Gabrielle Dominguez, Illinois, USA While Discover Healing can't [...]

Releasing Heart-Wall and Feeling Free

"Five years ago I came across Dr. Bradley Nelson's book, The Emotion Code®. I ordered it right away and read it in about two days. I immediately went to work releasing trapped emotions. Muscle testing was a foreign concept to me at the time, so it took a little getting used to. However, once I released the emotions causing my Heart-Wall®, I felt like a new person. I felt free, like the weight of the world was off my shoulders. I was a more patient, positive, loving person. It has been years since I worked on my Heart-Wall, and now I realize I need to give it some attention again. After watching many of Dr. Bradley Nelson's Emotion Code videos, I am more excited to help myself, my family, and others." ~Jen Wyman Anderson, Minnesota, USA While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

More In Touch and Connected After Clearing Heart-Wall

"My Heart-Wall® was [metaphorically] made of straw. I grew up on a farm and my brothers and I used to play in the straw so that really made sense. Straw insulates and protects from the outside, but at the same time gives warmth, smells good, and forms a cozy nest and a safe hiding place. "After each Trapped Emotion™ from my Heart-Wall was cleared, my heart felt a little freer and lighter. I'd always had the basic feeling of not being welcome, with a background noise of hopelessness and melancholy, so the joy, gratitude and warmth of my heart, which I always tried to cultivate in myself, came into their own even more. These bright feelings are mostly noticeable in my everyday life. Overall, now I feel more in touch with myself and more connected to the environment and nature." ~Peter Schaub, Heidelberg, Germany While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

This Mom’s Heart-Wall is Coming Down

"I am working on my Heart-Wall™and continue to release Trapped Emotions™. Although the Heart-Wall has not yet been completely removed, a lot has changed so far. I clearly notice that I am much more relaxed, especially when dealing with my children." ~Jasmin S., Ismaning, Germany While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

Released Heart-Wall Allows Happy, Loving Feelings

"I used to have a Heart-Wall®. Now that all those Trapped Emotions™ are gone, I feel more positive. I can stay with myself much better. I can feel happy, loving feelings within myself, regardless of my surroundings." ~Iben Sita M., Köln, Germany While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

Still Noticing Small Changes After Heart-Wall Release

"I had a Heart-Wall® with different Trapped Emotions™. It took a few days to gradually release the emotions, and the first thing I felt was an enormous lightness in me. The heaviness in my chest area had dissolved. I think this process is still going on because I notice small changes in myself every day. I am incredibly grateful to be able to experience and feel that." ~Heike J., Bottrop, Germany While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

Released Heart-Wall Repairs Marriage

"Jim had struggled for 60 years with spiritual, financial and physical issues. After 40 years of marriage, he was in the final stages of divorce and desperate for true healing when he discovered the Emotion Code®. As we released some of his Trapped Emotions™ such anger, crying, vulnerability, lost and guilt, as well as finding and releasing a Heart-Wall® made up of heartache, love unreceived, despair and anxiety, he felt immediately calmer and felt hope for the first time in his life. He was able to repair his marriage and relationships with his children and grandchildren. He is now living the authentic life he had only dreamed of. He says that this new life is better than his dreams and is almost unbelievable. He is so grateful and his sense of happiness and joy continues to grow every day." ~Deann D., Arizona, USA While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.
