I am presently documenting the benefits that my clients have recounted after Heart-Wall elimination. The following are two testimonials about finding soul mates and more after Heart-Wall Elimination:

“Soon after you released my Heart-Wall, I was able to leave an unhealthy long-term relationship. This opened my eyes to many opportunities in life. A couple of months later I found the love of my life, travelled to destinations I never thought I’d travel to and now I am furthering my education to enhance my career. My life is so much better because of your work Angela! “
~Lauren F

“The Heart-Wall elimination sessions helped to remove some of the insecurities I had about myself. It showed me that I am an expanded divine human being and highlighted my self worth. I found it amazing how this process could go right back to when I was still in my mother’s womb. It was just before my last session that I found my Soul Mate. I feel that I’ve known him and his family before.

“I am eternally grateful to the couple that referred me to you, Angela. I’ve always seen the bright side of life but now it is true in every sense.”
~Ali N

Angela Hanna CECP,CBCP, D.PSc
Kirkland, Quebec Canada
