I was introduced to The Emotion Code a few years back after I had been praying fervently to find something that would help our family. There’s a lot of anger in our family. It was getting to the point that I didn’t even know or understand why I felt the way I did. A family member introduced me to The Emotion Code because I asked her what had helped the darkness dissipate for her. She told me all about the Emotion Code.
The next chance I got, I purchased the book. I don’t usually read through books so quickly, but I couldn’t put it down. I was pregnant at the time. I was babysitting full-time in addition to having four little ones of my own.
I decided to put The Emotion Code into practice. I said a prayer that I would be able to clear something that would make a large enough impact that I would notice it. I cleared an inherited trapped emotion of anger. I only did one because of what the book cautioned concerning pregnant women. I didn’t use a magnet; I just used my hand. The next day I felt way less angry than I had felt in a very long time. I knew this was a prayer answered.
I still had more trapped anger within me but it was a beginning. I started working on my kids and saw improvements in their negative behaviors as well. After practicing with The Emotion Code for a little over a year, we decided to purchase The Body Code, which has also blessed our family tremendously. Because of this, I am not entirely sure how much of what I share were things that occurred through The Body Code and which were things that happened because of The Emotion Code, but I know they both have helped our family a lot.
Here are some cases that I know were Emotion Code related:
While I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with a circumvallate placenta, a disease where the fetal membranes “double back” on the fetal side around the edge of the placenta usually causing the baby to not have enough nutrients. I did a lot of Emotion Code work on myself to prevent my baby from losing nutrients. When she was born, she was a healthy almost an 8 lb baby.
Recently, I worked on one of my sons and was able to clear some emotions that helped him to focus better for a test. He was less distracted and better able to get his important test completed.
I also did several sessions on my daughter who had SEVERE eczema on her hands. Without any medication, it was fully cleared up within a couple of days. Even by the second day after I started working on clearing trapped emotions from her, it cleared up significantly.
Here are some others that I’m not sure if they were Emotion Code or Body Code related:
A child had fewer tics from Turrets after a session. Another child had fewer meltdowns after a session. Another child had less anger and fighting.
This is an amazing story! Thank you for sharing all of this. I, too, have worked on myself and others, including my own family, and have seen miracles happen. It is amazing to think what negative energies, especially trapped emotions, can do to our bodies, minds, and spirits. I know that energy healing works! Thank you for your service in healing your family and yourself!