I have an Emotion Code success story. I have had lower back pain for about the last 10 years. I have been to a chiropractor for the last 4 years, with the last treatments being decompression sessions, where I would lay on a bed, my hips were wrapped tightly with straps, then another strap was attached at my hips and the bottom of the bed. Over about 45 minutes, the bed would stretch my back by pulling from my hips. Afterward it would be extremely uncomfortable and painful for the next couple days. Thirty minutes before I made the investment in myself (by signing up for The Emotion Code Certification course), I released 2 blocked emotions that were causing my back pain. I never paid attention until just before typing this, but I got up, without pain, which made me cry, tears of joy, instead of pain. I immediately sent a text to my daughter and let her know what had just happened. I cannot wait to help everyone with any and all pain they have. WOW is all I can say!
~Patti Lynn Forsyth
Hello Patti, Thank you for sharing your story! That is remarkable! Congratulations!
I am now a CECP as of last August! If you need some volunteers, please let me know. My hubby and I could both be volunteers for you! Focus on completing your certification and you will! <3
With Love and Gratitude,
Robin B <3