I had an appointment with one of my clients in France. She contacted me a few hours prior to our appointment and explained that she would not be able to be present, because she had to take over for her son and his wife for a few hours at the hospital. Her three-year-old granddaughter was experiencing a fever of 40C (roughly 104F) for a week now and nobody could figure out what was wrong. I asked if she could get permission for me to have a peek. A couple of hours later I got the okay.

I found an imbalance in the hypothalamus (temperature regulation), followed by metabolic waste both in the spleen and the liver caused by parasitic energy. I was curious to see what parasite could cause such a high fever, so I did a bit of research and found a list of parasites. I asked if it was in that list and got a “yes.”

The granddaughter tested positive for the parasite that causes Toxoplasmosis. The rest is history.

Here is what my client writes:

Dear Angela, 

Concerning my granddaughter of three years old, I would like to let you know that she is really in great shape now. After one week of intense fever…the doctors couldn’t give a diagnosis. When I asked you to work on her situation, you were able to tell me that her Spleen and Liver imbalance was due to the kinds of parasites that cause Toxoplasmosis in humans.

One week after your email, we received the doctor’s diagnosis and it was Toxoplasmosis! I really want to thank you because thanks to your work her parents and me were appeased.

Love & Blessings, Roseline

– Angela Hanna, CBCP (Quebec, Canada)