Join us in Warsaw, Poland
For an Emotion Code and Body Code Seminar
Dr. Bradley Nelson will teach a three-day seminar that covers both the Emotion Code and the Body Code! The event takes place from May 30 to June 1. Learn the basics of both energy healing methods from their creator. Enjoy learning to release the emotions and imbalances that could be holding you back from your BEST life, in beautiful Warsaw, Poland.
At this hands-on seminar taught by Dr Bradley Nelson, you will…
Learn the basics of both the Emotion Code and the Body Code during this seminar, held in Warsaw, Poland from May 30 to June 1! Experience energy healing in action, as Dr. Brad and his team share demonstrations with audience volunteers. Plus, gain hands-on experience and ask any questions you may have.
The in-person seminar will be held from May 30 at 9:00 AM to June 1 AM at 6:00 PM at the Hotel Arche Poloneza.