The connection between body and spirit is strong, and emotional healing can help you stay positive and calm through even the most troubling times.

Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a variety of holistic healing techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical wellbeing. By accessing, channeling, balancing, and manipulating the body’s natural energy centers, energy healing processes may help support health.
It’s natural to feel negative emotions, particularly during life’s challenges. But on the other hand, holding onto that negativity and harboring toxicity is not healthy. Fortunately, there are emotional healing practices like the Body Code, Emotion Code, and Belief Code that can help you balance your energies and release potentially harmful negativity. Like many others, we believe optimal wellness is all about balance.
Using muscle testing to access your subconscious mind, you can begin identifying trapped emotional energies (you might call them “old wounds”). Then, can begin to release them. As you release these trapped emotions, you may want to ask the subconscious if you have a Heart-Wall and release that as well. This can all be either self-administered, or done with the help of a certified Emotion Code Practitioner in person or by proxy.
The Physical Results of Ignoring Emotional Health
If you continually feel down, like you’re just not yourself, or feel in your gut that something is off, maybe it’s time to do some soul-searching and some emotional or spiritual healing. Trapped Emotions can result in feeling overwhelmed, which in turn may lead to:
- Lowered immune system response
- Digestive issues
- Poor skin and hair quality
- Headaches
- Weight gain
- Increased belly fat due to cortisol accumulation
Emotional Baggage and Trapped Emotions
They call it emotional baggage because it’s a weariness that weighs you down. Think of those negative Trapped Emotions as two heavy bags of groceries that you have to carry all day. It’s no wonder that at the end of the day you feel fatigued and achy.
This is also why releasing emotions like anger, resentment, and bitterness is described as taking a weight off your shoulders. Many people actually FEEL lighter and have a spring in their step again once they release this baggage.
Sometimes it can be tough to get the ball rolling on your emotional healing, but once you do you may start enjoying exponential successes. The better you feel, both emotionally and physically, the more you can do. The more you do, the better you might feel!
If you clear out mental clutter and let go of the past, you may be more able to embrace and enjoy your future.
Emotional healing – it’s really all about letting go; letting go of that old baggage for yourself, a partner, a child, or even possibly a person from your past.
They call it emotional baggage because it’s a weariness that weighs you down. Think of those negative Trapped Emotions as two heavy bags of groceries that you have to carry all day. It’s no wonder that at the end of the day you feel fatigued and achy.
How to Practice Emotional Healing
For some, emotional healing may happen more naturally. For others, it’s a learned and conscious skill. For some, it comes with some kind of professional support. No matter what category you fall into, there are many things you can do to improve your own capacity for emotional healing. Here are several things to consider:
We All Need Emotional Healing
Now more than ever, people need emotional healing. It seems as if our world is spiraling into more and more turmoil every day. Sickness, political strife, cultural tension, and disagreements can take their toll on us all. But when our connection between body and spirit is strong, emotional healing can help you stay positive and calm through even the most troubling times.
It’s natural to feel negative emotions, particularly during life’s challenges. But holding onto that negativity is not healthy. Fortunately, emotional healing practices like The Body Code (TBC) and The Emotion Code (TEC) can help you identify and release potentially harmful negative energy.
Using muscle testing to access your subconscious mind, you can begin identifying trapped emotional energies (you might call them “old wounds”) that could result from turmoil or bad experiences, and work to release them. You can do this on your own or with the help of a certified Emotion Code Practitioner — in person or by proxy.