Begin unpacking your unwanted emotional baggage – for good
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Get Your FREE Emotion Code Starter Kit
Begin unpacking your unwanted emotional baggage – for good
Get The Emotion Code Starter Kit now and receive Energy Healing Enrichment emails
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First 2 chapters of The Emotion Code – eBook
Get started on the groundbreaking book that sparked an energy healing movement. Learn how you could release the energy of trapped emotional distress for better health, abundance and happiness.
*This download is available in English only. The Emotion Code Book is available for purchase in a variety of languages.

The Emotion Code Chart and Flowchart
Want to feel like yourself again? Try the easy-to-follow Emotion Code Chart, step-by-step Flowchart, and Emotion Code Definitions! Follow the simple instructions, and you could easily find and release your trapped emotions.

Intro to Energy Healing: 8-Video Series
These videos present the foundational concepts of energy healing, designed to help you discover how to change your life for the better.

“I have released 9 trapped emotions from my Heart Wall so far and the shift has been incredible. I have known that I have had some major Emotional Blocks in that have prevented me from living my life to the fullest. I always could get so far with certain aspects of my life then I always felt like I would hit a wall and go two steps backward. I have worked on different clearing methods in the past, but the Emotion Code has been absolutely incredible. The process works so quickly… Things are flowing into my life with ease now and I feel a sense of calm and peace over many things in my life. I am looking forward to releasing and clearing even more!”
With The Emotion Code, you could…
With The Emotion Code, you could…
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Get The Emotion Code Starter Kit now and receive Energy Healing Enrichment emails
Your info is secure with us and you may opt out at any time. Privacy Policy.
Learn more about The Emotion Code®
*While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and published testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® or The Body Code for any particular issue or problem, here’s what others have reported experiencing.