written by Kimberly Dornbush
I am writing a personal story about my first grandchild. I have performed Emotion Code and Body Code sessions on my daughter and her child while still in the womb. My daughter was very sick while pregnant.
My daughter broke out in a rash all over her body while pregnant. She was miserable the whole time because she refused to give up fatty foods while pregnant. She had her gallbladder taken out when she was 15 so she can no longer process fat. Her fatty diet was overloading her liver and the only way it could detox was through the skin in the form of a very itchy rash.
Her baby came 7 weeks early, I think it just wanted out of that stressful environment. I immediately started doing Emotion Code and Body Code sessions on him since he had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks and was only held a few minutes a day.
What I discovered during these sessions really surprised and shocked me.
He already had a Heart-Wall, discovering this broke my heart. He has had so many absorbed and inherited emotions – it’s shocking to discover how much can get passed on from a parent and their ancestors. I am still releasing trapped emotions on him and he is only 8 weeks old. I believe he is still absorbing so much of his parents trapped energy just being in their presence.
This goes to show how many trapped emotions a little baby can have before they even enter into this life. The parents stress gets absorbed by the baby, not only in the womb, but the whole time they are growing up. This is why it is so important to use The Emotion Code and The Body Code whenever you can.
I would have never realized that a brand new baby could have so many trapped emotions and a Heart-Wall right from the start. He has had a hard time sleeping and has tummy issues but with each session he is getting better and better.
This whole ordeal has given me a better understanding of why some kids have so many problems at such an early age and why they have so much anger and depression. Trapped emotions can manifest in so many different ways.
I would love to start working with troubled kids and give them a second chance by using The Emotion Code and The Body Code on them. I really believe this could change their whole life and I am so grateful to have found this fabulous work by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
contact author Kimberly Dornbush, CECP/CBCP
*find out more about The Body Code
My heart went out to you Kim, as I too had to do some early work on my granddaughter while still in the womb, and after, when residual TE problems were causing her a lot of physical distress and the pediatric world didn’t know what what to do. (she couldn’t breathe and suck at the same time and would constantly gasp while trying to feed) Her body code steps led me to specifics and chiropractic, and I contacted my chiropractor and explained what I had been finding in my energy work on her. He knew exactly what was happening, and what to do to help with physical work on this little 4 mo. old while I continued releasing TE’s. It took a few weeks, but we turned her around and she is functioning perfectly while the pediatrition said “she must have grown out of it…”
Like you, the experience left me yearning to work on these littlest ones who are so vulnerable and undeserving of the problems. Bless you, and keep it up, as I am.
Kimberly, it was great to hear how you helped your grandson. Finding that many of my grandchildren came into the world with TE, and health issues related to these, I have started checking in the womb now. The sooner we can clear these the better life the child can have.
Awesome that you are helping your grandson. If you don’t mind my asking, did he come through the birth canal or was he a c-section baby, since he was so early? Sometimes that is the best way to get them here, but there may be TEs associated with his delivery, especially since c-section babies do not get the oxytocin bath that vaginal born babies get…..the c-section infant gut also gets colonized with hospital bacteria instead of what is in the birth canal, so this can also cause tummy troubles. Also, if he was circumcised, you might want to check for anything there. Both my husband and his brother had some TEs associated with their hospital circumcision when they were infants, Pride and another one, but don’t recall now…..
Kimberly, thank you so much for sharing this story. I am going to forward this link to my daughter who’s children are 4 and 6. Your grandson is so blessed to have you for his grandmother. What a blessing and healing you will bring to other children as well.
You are so right, Kim. I know from my own experience just how much trapped and inherited emotion I came in with and how much I acquired in the first few years of my life. This is important work and the blessing is that it is so very easy to do.
This is a wonderful article and I think it would fit in very well with what Dr. Bryan Post, Ph.D. is teaching about early trauma and difficult behaviors especailly as they manifest in foster or adopted children. That all behavior manifest from either fear or love and that early trauma can cause the brain to inefficiantly produce the hormone oxytocin. (a brief and somewhat inadequate description of all that the Post Institute is all about)