Are you interested in holistic healing techniques or alternative medicine to aid in targeting things like emotional therapy, immune health, food allergies, and beneficial supplements? If so, muscle testing might be the ideal entry point for you.
What is muscle testing?
Muscle testing is a holistic technique derived from the field of Kinesiology in which muscles are monitored for a response to stimuli. As a biofeedback mechanism, muscle testing can be used to identify the existence of stressors in and around our bodies. Through a series of questions and observations, our muscles can provide us with a wealth of information from our subconscious mind.
Why is muscle testing important?
Muscle testing can give us insight into the inner workings of our subconscious in ways that western medicine and techniques can’t. Not only does proper muscle testing allow us to identify the stresses and imbalances within our bodies, but because a majority of our physical, emotional, and mental processing occurs outside of our awareness, muscle testing is also an effective way to pinpoint key happenings at an unconscious level. Both practitioners and clients find that muscle testing is a beneficial way to achieve a stable mind-body balance.
How is muscle testing done?
Muscle testing can be a very intimate journey into your subconscious, if you combine muscle testing with a powerful healing method like The Emotion Code, it may release deep, heavy emotions or feelings relative to pain, disease, and other problems. In the end, however, energy healing with muscle testing is a unique, life-changing approach that likely differs from person to person and should be used to benefit you rather than cause you angst.
Lastly, before reviewing a few self-testing techniques, it’s helpful to understand the difference between a strong (positive) response and a weak (negative) response. Therefore, when accessing your subconscious by asking various ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions, your muscles will respond by either remaining strong for questions that ring true or will falter with weakness when answers are false.
Technique #1: The whole-body stress test
Should you have another cup of coffee? Is that supplement right for your body? Will eating that piece of fruit be advantageous to your body? Find out by using the full-body stress test. Before you pour your third cup of coffee or bite into that apple, hold the cup or fruit in your hand. Be hyper aware of how your body responds; if you subtly sway forward, this indicates a ‘yes’ or strong response. If your body subtly sways backward, however, this indicates a ‘no’ or negative response and signals that your particular item won’t benefit you.
This technique can also be used on a much deeper level by testing for things like pain and suffering. While standing up, close your eyes and drop your arms to your sides. Take a deep breath, let it out, and try to relax your body completely. Then ask yourself a yes or no question such as “am I still feeling emotional pain or stress from the loss of my loved one?” Again, if you find yourself swaying forward, this indicates a strong, positive response and you can deduce that yes, you are indeed struggling with emotional pain, whereas a sway backward indicates the opposite.
Technique #2: The single handed test
For a quick, effective muscle test, touch the tips of your index finger and thumb together on your dominant hand – like you’re making the ‘a-okay’ sign. Touch your index finger and thumb on your other hand to make a chain-like link. After asking yourself a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, pull your linked fingers against each other to try and break the connection. A connection that’s easily broken indicates a negative response, while a strong, steadfast connection represents a positive response. You might have to experiment with this technique in order to find the pressure that’s most effective for you.
Technique #3: The straight arm test
Finally, for another muscle test, hold your arm straight out in front of your body and ask yourself a question like “should I drink this cup of coffee?” or “would this supplement be advantageous to my body?” If your arm feels a bit weaker when you ask a question like this, the answer is ‘no’, whereas a strong, stable arm represents a positive, ‘yes’ answer.
Refine your muscle testing skills
If you’re looking for effective energy healing solutions, muscle testing is a must. Find out more about how and why muscle testing is effective and refine your muscle testing skills with an Emotion Code webinar conducted by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Eliminate trapped emotions that are inhabiting your body, connect with your subconscious, and be the best, healthiest version of yourself, today.
As outlined by Dr. Bradley Nelson in his book The Emotion Code.
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