Often I’m asked after a session, “Are the emotions released gone forever?” and “how do I prevent emotions from becoming trapped?”
The short answer to this is, yes, the emotions cleared in a session are gone forever, but let me explain a little more.
Each trapped emotion in the body is tied to a very specific experience or event from your life, and clearing that emotion has only cleared the emotion tied to that experience. Say for example, we cleared an emotion of “frustration” from age 14 related to school, that “frustration” is now gone, but that does not mean that all frustration is released from the body. There could be other experiences or events where frustration was felt and trapped and those emotions are still ringing in the body. On top of this, it is also possible to feel frustration again and that emotion could become trapped.
One way that emotions become trapped is when we don’t acknowledge them in the moment they are being felt. They become trapped when we push them away, not wanting to experience that feeling. This moves them to the side where they wait indefinitely to have their “moment”, be acknowledged and can be released. This is why we don’t see positive emotions becoming trapped in the body very often. We enjoy the emotion and fully acknowledge and feel it completely. We don’t bury them. So, acknowledge your emotions (takes practice and you will get better) and they won’t become trapped.
Other factors that influence emotions becoming trapped are other trapped emotions, and subconscious patterns or beliefs. It is a universal principle that “like attracts like”. With this principle in action, trapped emotions and subconscious beliefs will attract similar emotions and experiences into your life. I recommend that you work with a qualified practitioner who can help you release these trapped emotions and subconscious issues, then you will be even more free to choose and acknowledge the emotions that come into your life.
by Josh Nelson certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner
To Whom It May Concern,
What do I do after my last correspondence?I sent a email but I donot know what to do next.RSVP.
Keith P.Cooper
Do you have a ‘list’ of trapped positive emotions? What might be a ‘symptom’ of a trapped positive emotion? I can see how a negative trapped emotion could be harmful, but how might a positive emotion be – would it still cause pain and/or dysfunction?
Hi Lloyd,
Any emotion that is felt too intense can become trapped.
The only positive emotion that Dr. Brad lists on the Chart of Emotions is Overjoy:
which is an intense delight or elation which is too overpowering for the body; joy that it is
a shock to the system.
These energies can interfere with the body’s ability to function properly, negative or postive when felt intensely.
Excellent article Josh! I couldn’t have explained it better. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this great article with everyone.
Thank you Josh for your article. In my short practice I had a chance to notice that some people keep gathering all kind of negative emotions, seems like they easily glue to them. I understand that much better now. I will explain it to my clients.
Have you ever experienced having to remove the same emotion 4 times in a row? I rechecked myself and found everything in order. Can the same emotion have layers removed one at a time or did I do sometning wrong?
Hi Nadine,
This is not unsual! Each time the emotion is located, be sure to confirm it has been released or cleared.
Then you will know that it is another incidence of the same emotion. You might also want to check to see what age it became trapped, or the location of it on the body is also helpful to differeniate.
We can feel the same emotion many times in our lives.
Each emotion has a vibration…so it stands to reason that when a particular emotion is trapped, it’s vibration is attracting…more of the same emotion or vibration. This explains why people frequently have several of the same trapped emotions…just at different ages from different events in life.
Thanks that explains why our body never forgets – especially trauma. I believe what we suppress finds a way to get expressed.
I appreciate your article on this subject – well done!
Great Article Josh… Thanks for writing 🙂
Very insightful, thank you!
Dear Josh, can you email me and let me know how to connect with you – I’d like to have a session with you to release TEs.