written by Brian Withers
What if your body and your “feelings” were like a smoke detector, screaming at you to let you know when something wasn’t right (out of balance)? Would you fix the smoke detector, or would you fix the cause for the smoke detector to get your attention?
Are there things going on in your body or in your “feelings” that are unpleasant? Could this be an alarm going off to alert you that something is not right in your life? Might you be making (low vibration) choices, and/or have emotional baggage, might that be your smoke?
What would happen if you cleaned up that smoke? The Emotion Code and The Body Code are like opening the window and letting that smoke out and getting back to clean energy living. Making higher vibration choices can lead to experiencing a more balanced and high vibration life.
Think about it, should we really expect a great working body and mind when we are burdened with emotional baggage and making choices that create imbalances? If we have no clear purpose, if we are at odds in our relationships, if we have little or no excitement about the work that we do (that takes roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of our waking hours), if we don’t exercise, have fun, eat well, and be kind to others and our selves doesn’t it make sense that our body will tell that story. When we live a dis-eased life, can we expect a body that is not?
I believe we all have natural gifts and talents and a purpose to use them. That being said when we come to this world many of us are quickly ushered down a different hallway that really does not have us expressing our true selves. In this life where we come as the proverbial bear but end up wearing the elephant costume, is it any wonder we end up with emotional baggage. Combine that with the lack of education around our energy nature and the law of vibration and what else should we expect but a body that is screaming for us to wake up.
I believe the pain that we experience is natures way to “wake us up” and tell us we are off course. If we focus on “fixing” the body, we miss the incredible opportunity to see what we need to do in our life to get into harmony with our true self and purpose; shed that elephant costume. Thankfully The Emotion Code and The Body Code respect the bodies’ messages rather than suppressing them. This helps us to unzip that elephant costume and leave it behind. Add to this some emotional intelligence education around our energy nature and now we really have a way to health and wellness.
When people approach me about my services I have them fill out my Vibration Indicator Questionnaire. As a client it instantly helps them to see where their vibration is, which can be a big wake up call. It makes them wonder if they can raise their general score even two points, and thinkhow much better would life be. For me as a practitioner, it helps to home in on areas to ask about Trapped Emotions and Imbalances. It also helps me to understand if they may be making choices that are shoveling in new imbalances as quickly as we are taking them out. Lastly it helps me to identify if my program to help them get into harmony with their purpose and live a higher vibration life may apply. In most cases it does because we simply have not been given the knowledge, or know how, with regard to operating this energy being and body that we are. In the end the combination of services helps them to get on track to their true expression and everything that comes with that. This seems to be the best medicine for health, happiness and harmony.
contact author Brian Withers, CECP
Great information. What is the difference between Emotion code and Body code work? Thank you.
Hi Linda, The Emotion Code deals specifically with releasing trapped emotions, which is very effective. The Body Code includes releasing trapped emotions and also can identify other types of imbalances that can be released. At healerslibrary.com there is lots of great info to help you navigate these systems.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for your comment.
Hi there,
I would love to see your questionnaire….not to copy, but to get some ideas for my own…if it’s proprietary, no worries…I just thought in case you were willing to share I would ask.
Good article.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Vivian, you can check out the questionnaire at my website http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=92. Feel free to use it as is or adapt it for your purpose.
Best regards,
I bought the emotion code because I had been paralyzed for over 12 years and it helped me to clean out a great deal of bitterness that had built up in me. Through the practice of the emotion code I found a way to help many others but I am still in uncomfortable pain and I have not back strength, too much pain to work all the atropht of the muscles out and my nerves are too frayed to allow any type pf deep concentration. Is there something I need to try as I feel unfit for a proper existence.
I am sorry to hear of your situation. It speaks to something special in you to reach out to help others to heal while in your pain. I believe with all of my heart that everything is a frequency of energy and if that frequency is interfered with that some imbalance occurs, perhaps physical, perhaps emotional. Emotional baggage and imbalances can go very deep. I don’t know if you have worked with a Body Code Practitioner but if not that would be a suggestion. In my program I help people to raise their vibration which always has a positive effect, that being said I am working with some people with chronic pain and emotional issues that really prevent them from focusing so I am doing the Emotion Code work with them first and I use the Body Code but have not been certified yet. There maybe others that read your comments and have experience in the area of the particular situation you are in and have additional suggestions that could be used in conjunction with the Body Code. You could also post a note in the forums in Healers Library to get some input. I do believe that anything is possible so keep asking for guidance and help in whichever way you do.
This article expresses the nature of the wake up call in a wonderful way. When we are doing what we are called to do for a higher purpose, it feeds us energy. When we do things that are not of that nature but instead get us “off course”, we tend to be drained of our energy. A wise health practitioner once said to me, “all the healing modalities you use just enable you to get by in the life you are leading.” Once I got the message and changed my life, I didn’t need to reach for tools just to get through. Trust yourself, follow your intuition and your heart. With health, peace and love you need very little else… without those things nothing will ever be enough.
I couldn’t agree more Nancy, thanks for your comments.