written by Dr. Brad
Everyone knows that the human heart is essentially a muscle. More than any other organ, it is responsible for keeping our bodies alive from one moment to the next. If your heart stops beating, well, that is pretty much the end of you, unless drastic action is taken, and right away. I think we can all agree on this.
The heart is an icon of love, as well. Just think of those little valentine candies, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, cupid’s hearts, and so on. But what does this particular have to do with romantic notions of love?
In ancient times the human heart seemed to be well understood. Long-gone races and peoples thought the heart was ‘the seat of the soul,’ ‘the source of our creativity,’ and ‘the dwelling place of love.’ The Old Testament says that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” and that God “looks not on the outward appearance, but looks on the heart.” If the heart is really no more than a mere pump, then all of these old sayings make no sense at all.
Being modern and proud of it, we have long thought of these ideas as quaint notions, dismissing them as the fantasies of the unenlightened. Surely, if the heart had such fantastical attributes, we would have discovered them by now, with all our modern scientific technology.
Well, perhaps you had better sit down. Because new discoveries about the heart are quite stunning, and are showing us that the ancient ones were more correct in their beliefs about the heart than we ever imagined.
It all started on the third of December, 1967. That was the day that Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first successful heart transplant. Many thousands more have been done since then. But sometimes these heart transplant recipients report some strange happenings. Sometimes these people not only come out of surgery with a new heart, but with cravings and preferences that are not their own. In fact, they sometimes inherit memories of places they have never visited before, and sometimes they even ‘know’ people they have never met. In every case, these places and people were known to, and these cravings and affinities belonged to the heart-donor.
This is not an unusual or isolated phenomenon, and most people have heard of this sort of thing happening. For example, a friend of our family got a heart transplant. After he recovered, he had a powerful new craving for hazelnut lattes and ice cream, formerly cravings that belonged to the deceased woman, whose heart was now beating in his chest.
A 25-year-old man had a heart transplant and, to the delight of his wife, inherited from the donor (a woman) a consistent and driving urge to shop. I suppose that, in this case, his wife may have finally gotten the shopping partner she had always wanted!
An attorney from Milwaukee received the heart of a 14-year-old boy and inherited an overpowering urge to feast on Snickers bars.
A seven-year-old girl received the heart of an unfortunate young girl who had been murdered. After the transplant, her sleep was constantly interrupted with terrifying nightmares that she was being murdered herself. Eventually, her parents took her to the police, and her descriptions of the dream killer and his murder weapon eventually lead to the arrest and conviction of the murderer.
Is there an explanation for stories like these? Is there more going on with the heart than we had supposed?
The heart is easily the most powerful organ in the body, at least magnetically. Using a relatively new instrument called the Magnetocardiagram, or MCG, scientists have found that the magnetic field of the heart extends out up to twelve in diameter around an individual.
Studies have also shown that, if you are feeling love or affection for another person, your heartbeat will appear in that other person’s magnetic brain waves.
Think about this for a moment.
Aside from the things we say, and apart from our body language, is this another, deeper way that we communicate with each other?
Recent discoveries have revealed that the heart exerts a profound influence over the brain. In fact, the heart itself seems to be another, separate “brain.” Studies show that the heart actually receives intuitive information from the world around it before the brain does, and that the heart is constantly communicating with the cells of the body, via the heartbeat. It appears that the brain in your head actually obeys these messages that are being sent by the heart-brain.
Is the heart really the core of our beings, the seat of our souls, the source of our creativity and the source of our love? I believe the answer is yes. I believe the ancients were right all along, and we are just beginning to discover what they somehow knew way back then.
Remember that the next time you see an image of a heart, that universal symbol of love and connection.
According to the Heart Math people, the Heart produces the largest magnetic field of all the organs of the body, going out 8 feet around us. When we walk past another person, we are in their heart (magnetically) and they are in ours. How wonderful that we can touch each others’ hearts so easily. Since I believe that love is more powerful than anything else, when we are radiating love in our heart’s magnetic field, we are sharing love with everyone and everything we pass by. What a powerful way to spread love wherever we go.
Muy acertada la versión en elsentido de que que el Corazón humano es muchísimo más que una simple bomba muscular de irrigación sanguinea. Pues nuestro corazón en realidad es el centro de intercomnicación y relación con nuestro entorno terrestre y con elCosmos. Es el cento procesador de nuestras emociones y conjuntamente con el cerebro tiene estrecha vinculación con el trabajo de nuestro ADN, como lo expone Dan Winter.
Reiteros mi gratitud por sus aportes a mi conocimiento y el de la humanidad toda.
Lamento que por idioma no pueda acceder y entender el contenido de sus videos
Un abrazo desde Ecuador
Miguel Chafla
Loved the article, thank you so much for posting this. Indeed I do believe the heart is the seat of the soul, or at least deeply connected to it. Doing everything ‘with heart’ makes such a difference to tasks and relationships. I love your work, it is inspired and maybe because you do so much with heart, you were gifted with such wisdom. Blessings, and heartfelt good wishes, Marie
One of my best friends had a heart transplant, 14 yrs ago from a young motorcyclist about 17 yrs old, she’s 70, gorgeous. She belongs to a group of other transplants they were 7/ now 3. Reminds me there is a “Shelf Life” and her immune system is fragile….a few notes I wanted to add. I sent your article to her, she loved it, she’s a beautiful grandmother now…..but….no one knows for how long…do we? Carpe diem Love your vwork. Use the emotional code.
Hi every one:
Hello Everyone
The best part of being born in India is that all that most of the world’s spiritual science emanated from the ancient Indian Rishis. So, while the West produces the best Entrepreneurs, India has the best entrepreneurs of Faith.
That the heart is the resting place of the soul is well documented in the Bhagwad Gita, where the Lord himself says that I reside in the Heart as Atma. Hence, there is no need for any proof. Yes, the scientific quest for enquiry and proof must go on.
In fact the three realms of life are
1. Mind + Body.
2. Heart
3. Being.
It is in that order that the child develops in the womb. From 3 to 1. Hence, for any spiritual evolution to take place the seeker has to transcend the three stages…from the mind( thinking, willing and start of feeling) to the heart ( feeling – love compassion forgiveness and similar virtues) to the being ( state of silence, awareness and consciousness). These three states have to be crossed to reach the state of No Mind ( Buddhism) or Nirvana ( Hinduism).
PS http://www.nirvanalifecoach.wordpress.com
In my Masters program I completed a research paper on transplanting memories. It was quite an eye opening experience. As a nurse , my background is cardiac. I have had the pleasure of caring for heart transplant recipients. It was not surprising that the patients and family members spoke of changes of habits, food preferences, and other reported changes that coincide with heart transplant recipients. Unfortunately, physicians conclude that these changes are the result of medications and depression. Clinically, the psychological aspects of any illness can be a life changing event that can significantly change the way a person feels, thinks, and acts. Personally, I know what I have heard directly from my patients and their families. There is much more of the human existence than we currently understand. I firmly believe that every nerve, cell, organ, tissue, etc. has a genetic vibration congruent with the life experiences of the body. I don’t understand how this not considered plausible.
I’m a Cranial Sacral therapist, who during my 12 yrs of practice, has inter twined with a form of Shamanism…..Very interesting article. To add to this, I received bllod three years ago for the first time in my life. For the next 3wks, I felt like someone else was running around inside me. I can not explain it any other way. Then one morning I woke up and felt there was some difference in my world ? Whom ever it was the blood came from, my body had switch them out and they were now gone. Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful for the blood, but glad to be alone again. ………Sorry I was recovering so didn’t noticed any other changes.
Awesome article! I totally believe it!
We have the power to change the world, one loving thought at a time.
It is time we all lived from our hearts and made the world a much happier and more loving place to live! <3
I first heard the words ‘follow your heart’ from one of my Australian Aboriginal teachers. I then heard the words ‘it is not the colour of your skin that makes any difference, it is the colour of your heart that matters’ from a different Australian Aboriginal teacher. The Australian Aboriginal race is one of the Ancient cultures you refer to. We all need to listen to and appreciate the Ancient cultures of the Earth much more than we presently do. The basis of their teaching (in my perspective) is that we are in the process of ‘remembering’ all that we have known before. Much of society is so young, it thinks it is inventing everything 🙂 Namaste. I love using the Emotion Code teachings on myself and will be applying for skills recognition in future should I decide to go back into the awesome field of Energy Healing.
Hi Dr.Bradly,I am from Mumbai,India your explanation of Heart is excellant.One of of our Diety in India Lord Ganesha says the best ans.to all the wars in the world is WE SHOULD EMBRACE OUR ENEMY I.E.HEART TO HEART EXCHANGE,this will remove all the bitterness and it will save lots of life from death.
I came to know about BODY CODE System through net.I am using this in my practice for past one month through DOWSING.I am getting excellant results,His cvoncept of Heart wall is mind bogging.May GOD bless you,so that U can continue your mission to save Humanity from Drug mafias.
Hello Dr. Suryakant,
We are delighted to hear from you and your success with The Emotion Code and The Body Code!
This work is indeed making the world a better place one person at a time!
We do not teach nor recommend using Dowsing for The Emotion Code or The Body Code.
In order to implement either modality in your own practice for a paid fee, Certification is required so as not to infringe on Dr. Nelson’s copyright.
Please contact certification@healerslibrary.com
Thanks for checking in with us!
In your seminar you said everything is energy and if a cell were mega-magnified, it would be whirling energies with space between them. So what is in that space?
“God is everywhere present,” “God is love,” and “God is a spirit” (energy). To me, this explains a cell’s intelligence plus why the Emotion Code works. The Emotion Code helps us regain balance and harmony with the Divine energy already within us. You said the heart is the core of our beings and the seat of our soul. Whenever I see a heart I will remember my heart (and the heart of everyone else) is connected to the Divine Source of All That Is. Thanks for what you are doing to guide us toward the balance and harmony we need in this life.
Hi Doreen,
We could not have said it any better nor agree more!
What an awesome article!!! It does really make sense when you think about it. The relationships of everything in your life is related in some way to your heart! I’m looking forward to learning more about the Emotion Code and the Body Codes! Thank you!!!
There is another very important aspect to this, that doesn’t seem to have been adressed so far.
The position of the heart interestingly is exactly the same as the centre of the ASSEMBLAGE POINT energetically.
This is our interdimensional point, our connection to source, from which we receive all our energy, our driving force comes not from outside ourseves and not through the chakras as is often considered to be the case, they are there as endocrine system energy links. The chakras are not funnel vortices as most conventional healing suggests they are horizontal deep bands of rotating energy (chakra means wheel) that can be clockwise or anticlockwise. Their energy is fed from the field which is fed from the assemblage which creates a just larger than body sized torroidal vortex.
The inner central tube of the assemblage point has two in and outputs so to speak, one in the back heart position and one in the front.
Emotional disruptions to the field distort the field and thus the position of the assemblage point. There is a particular symptomology assosiated with this positioning.
Release of the distortions of the field can be done in may ways, most effecient at the moment is the Emotion Code, and then the assemblage point naturally returns to its optimum position by the heart, central chest.
Clearing the heart wall is in fact clearing the energetic blockage of this energy structure, and the addictions beliefs etc in this area too can be cleared to restore perfect flow not just to the heart but to the whole of the assemblage point bodily structure that has such a profound effect on energetic nourishment to every layer of our being.
That said it is also necessary to clear walls that are located at the back of the heart, head and abdomen for optimum function. When the assemblage point is totally blocked, or when it’s position drops beyond a certain point below the diaphragm and towards the naval, coma and death result as energy rom the entire field is withdrawn. Check out assemblage point information on the internet for more details.
Have a great day and check out the position of your own assemblage points!
That is the most interesting article I have ever read and it makes total sense as does the first writing of Dr Brad as I have just completed the lessons and the tests from the lessons with a 100% rate of success. I am just having a little trouble getting in to take the final test so that I can start working on people and recording it. I think this course and the healing that it can do is the most important thing I have focused on in my life as I can now be used by God to heal others from trapped emotions and from heartwalls that cause a great deal of problems. I know I had one that I could “FEEL” and I knew intuitively that it was made of brick and when it was removed, I felt so much lighter and I didnt feel all “caved in” . Its very hard to explain what the Heartwall feels like but one DOES know that its there they just dont know why and we practitioners are here to explain that and to remove them for those people. Some people believe that this is all witchcraft or some other form of evil, and its very very far from evil. I believe it comes straight from God that he gave this knowledge to Dr Brad and Dr Brad is now out telling the world. I wish the Chakras were more part of the lessons and the work of the Emotion Code, but it works the way it is so it’s meant to be exactly what it is. And we have GOD to thank for that. Just always be grateful and full of love when performing the works of the Emotion Code as that is how it works the best!!! Thanks for your words Mary, they were awesome!!
Until I read this, I believed that the skin was the largest organ in the body, but it is correct, that the heart is the major organ, it seems to hold the major emotions that make us who we are. Even when you receive some one elses heart. It seems to be who we are.
Thank you, this information reinforces the importance of clearing and building a strong heart field which affects everything.
While waiting for my son I was reading in a University bookshop about transplant patients who had similar experiences to those you speak of. One was tragically of a transplant recipient who got an organ from a person who. Ommitted suicide. The recipient also committed suicide.
I do not understand suicide. I had a student who put a video game on pause and committed suicide. My wife’s niece left a party in great spirits and committed suicide a few minutes later. Is this the result of terrible trapped emotions?
Hi Rod,
People who committ this terrible act are generally suffering from another malady, such as Depression or extreme mental or physical pain.
They are in despair and yes, the Emotion Code could help a substantial number of people who fall into these catagories.
We have seen all kinds of problems helped with the Emotion Code and the Body Code. Remember that the underlying cause of all disease/conditions/symptoms is imbalance; the most common underlying imbalance that drives all symptoms is trapped emotions. The Body Code allows us to fill in the blanks by giving us a very simple way to ask the subconscious mind what other underlying imbalances there may be, whether they are from pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, structural imbalances, circuitry imbalances (such as chakras or acupuncture meridians), emotional energies and so on.
We always like to emphasize that the Emotion Code and the Body Code are never to be used to treat disease; instead, they are used to remove the underlying causes of disease, allowing the body to heal itself. This may seem like a fine distinction, but it is important to point out. We allow the medical community to treat diseases. We just remove imbalances.
Having said all this, I guess the bottom line is there is no way to tell without trying. The demand is great for our services and appointments can be scheduled such as with a Distance Body Code Exam and/or Emotion Code Session at http://www.HealersLibrary.com/services to see what we can come up with…!
Just proves a man with no feelings is a man without a heart.
I thank you and your wife from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to learn how to clear my trapped emotions in my “Heart Wall”.
My Heart feels lighter already.
Thank You it was a great opportunity to meet both of you in Nürnberg.
suicide is a decision made by the person ending their life prematurely. The person can be extremely depressed and for them, no alternative. They feel they cannot talk to anyone or reach out for help, too embarassed, scared and in extreme emotional pain from a situation, which when talked through could have resolved the problem.
I liked this article because it makes a lot of sense to me; in my studies of Big Heart, Big Mind we learned how Big Mind is the Power seat if thinking, discerning, analyzing, planning,etc, and the Heart, the Power seat of compassion, empathy, trust, wisdom, unconditional love, etc. I makes sense to think that the heart builds walls around itself to protect from deep sorrow and eventually creates pain or discomfort in the body. I like very much to learn how to use the tools of muscle testing to alleviate pain and suffering. Thank you, Clea Holdridge.
Great article thank you,
and a fact that is puzzling me for some time now is:
The heart is the only organ that doesn’t get cancer……
Would love to hear your thoughts on that
Fascinating article. Loving is the last capacity we loose, even in infirmity. Maybe even never. Cancer is a disease of Chi obstruction, and thrives in a low oxygen environment. To me, this new technology makes it easier for many of us to “think” what we already “know”.