What do you say to a loved one that doesn’t believe in energy work?
Dr. Brad posed this question to his fans on HealersLibrary.com and boy did they ever answer! We’ve posted some of our favorite thoughts, if you would like to share any thoughts as well, please leave a comment.
Randy T.
Luckily, it doesn’t require you to believe in it. If you will humor me a few moments, I will demonstrate the coolest party trick I know and you will feel so much better.
Beth F.
Ask them to rub their hands for a few seconds to make them sensitive, then pass your hands over their hands and they will feel the energy. I have never failed to have someone feel the energy.
Pamela S.
I Show them how it is working for me. I will be the concrete evidence they need. Usually it is not disbelief that they feel but fear of the energy work disguised as disbelief.
Linda J.
I ask their permission to pray for them & then do the work via long distance. I’ve never been refused.
Heather M.
I don’t interfere with their free-will and beliefs. However, I DO tell them the offer still stands if they ever decide to give it a try.
Angela H.
For them…replace the word energy with love…it becomes love work and isn’t this work just that?
Patricia M.
If you believe in prayer, use that same faith; you don’t have to be physically present when you prayer for someone. Same idea; energy knows no distance!
Margaret S.
I say with a big smile, “Oh, my goodness, I didn’t know you studied it, too! Please share with me your experience and why you disbelieve.” The point being ~ most people know NOTHING about it. How can you believe or not believe in something you know nothing about? Beyond that ~ I decided it’s not my role to “convince” people. God will send the people I can help.
Carol F.
Nothing. No point in arguing with dark negative energy. They will come around when they are open and ready for it.
Martie R.
If they are totally blocked, then let them be…. Say nothing. If they want/ need some benefit / healing, then explain that ‘one does not have to believe, nor understand it (energy work) , all you need to do is to allow it.
Samantha B.
When someone is skeptical about energy therapy I explain that I was too once. I explain that we can’t see the wind, gravity or the earth’s magnetic field, yet they are real. I demonstrate the sway test and I also demonstrate how energy flows through us all with a cheap plastic doll (Little Miss Sunshine) that lights up when I hold her hands. She also lights up when a second person holds one hand, I hold the doll’s other hand, and then we both hold hands. This happens because the energy flows between us – just like when someone touches an electric fence and gets a zap, then another person touches the first person and the current moves on to zap them. For those who are simply scared, and call me a witch, I explain that we all have an innate ability to exercise biofeedback, and I teach them the sway test. When it comes to cynics who ridicule me and call my work a ‘pseudo science’, I merely smile and walk away. They are simply not ready.
Dan S.
Sometimes its not what you say, but how you say it. Sound is energy, and when words are spoken with love and care the effect will always have a healing.
Rimi Y.
I live with one, so I know how this feels. I say nothing, smile, and show by example! Seeing how much I’ve changed since I’ve started using the EC on myself, how many others have asked me to work on them, and me being passionate about what I do, he is slowly coming around to acceptance. Believe and have faith
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Coming in contact with a non-believer is for me a good thing. As practitioner I work with the energy and maybe it´s time for them to get the right word at the right time and I can help.
If not, it´s not yet their time and I have to deal with love and understanding.
But to help a doubter, I ask if there is a place of pain. With their commission I relieve the emotions and they feel instantly the pain gone. This always has been a good help and makes me very thankful to have the Emotion Code. Maybe this time I could assist and the doubter can find a way to more believe
Absolutely love all the comments & replies posted!
my partner is totally a non believer despite the proof of all my work with clients telling him how fantastic the body code and emotion code is and sharing their experiences with him. In the past i tried to muscle test him without success and in the end i simply got his signed permission to work on him at his request not to tell him when i did so.
Everyone else sees the difference in him which is incredible and my children often sneak up to me and say Mum have you been working on Brian again. He inspires me to try out new things with the body code such as hormones and Emotional Intelligence so I am thankful for his skepticism it keeps me on my toes.
I tell skeptical people that skeptisism is just a ‘lack of knowledge’.
Also I tell people that don’t believe, ‘it can’t hurt to give it a try’
For most people I don’t even try to explain but to others who I think might give it a try I give the example of feeling very uncomfortable around someone you have never met. I explain that it is the energy they are emitting that we are feeling and sometimes it feels good to be around people and at other times it feels uncomfortable.
I say, let me try this on you:
It is the muscle test.
Say the word love. Nice and strong…
Say the word war, the arm usually falls so quickly the client nearly falls over.
This usually opens up many positive conversations.
I am surrounded by unbelievers – in an adult is the fear of relinquishing the power of the ego which keeps them together, also it’s the illusion they hold on to as tight as they can, that the conventional medicine has all the answers – there is no denying the fact that for many the conventional medicine provides a safety zone. People may not admit that to themselves but they develop attachments to their problems which start serving them in some ways, therefore develop resistance to change. Suggesting a cure which may really work poses a threat to their status quo. All people can sense energy and without agreeing with you they know of their real power. If they deny the existence of the Energy Work straight at your face they also know somewhere deep inside that there is no way turning back on our evolutionary path, and the Energy is the power that propels us forward. Once their egos start dissolving, and the fear clears they will be walking with light just like babies – with smile and trust and love shrugging at the picture of their old self not seeing the obvious. When I talk to them my words are very simple: If you want it to work it will work for you – you don’t have to believe in it but must welcome the change. Children influenced by a negative adult are a bit easier to work with – their curiosity prevails, and they project their perfect image with no problems.