When speaking to people about The Emotion Code (TEC), The Body Code (TBC) and particularly when I explain about Heart-Walls, we often end up discussing whether public figures and world leaders that abuse their powers have Heart-Walls. I am sure that in the majority of cases the answer is “yes”.
The signs we recognize that indicate the presence of a Heart-Wall to our conscious minds include:
• People acting in ways that show they are not affected by emotions, particularly those that would deeply affect most of us.
• People that continually defend actions which, if we think about it, indicate they feel threatened.
• People that we perceive are isolated and do not appear to be surrounded by others offering them love.
• People that we just “do not understand” – their Heart-Walls block us from understanding them just as much as they block that person from understanding the rest of the World.
So if these are the signs, what would these people be like if they had their Heart-Walls cleared?
• Their ability to feel emotions could lead them to reconsider some of their actions and take a different approach.
• The removal of feeling threatened could remove the need to continually attack others.
• Being open to receiving love could fill immense empty voids in their lives.
• Greater mutual understanding can only lead to better and more acceptable outcomes when issues are debated.
However, although some healing modalities advocate sending healing to people so that their Higher Interest can decide whether to accept it or not this is not what I am suggesting for TEC or TBC practitioners. Tempting as it may be, it is NOT okay to use The Emotion Code or The Body Code on anyone without their permission or, in the case of young children or those unable to communicate, without the permission of their next-of-kin. Dr Nelson, quite rightly, likens any actions in this respect to being the equivalent of practicing medicine without a license. I believe we have a very special gift in our hands that needs to be used with care and the highest integrity and we should not abuse the power that TEC or TBC bring to us.
There is one apparent exception to the above statement which is that when we clear inherited emotions they clear from all spirits in the ancestral lineage whether living or dead, so could (and indeed have in my experience) produce dramatic changes for parents and children of our clients. When this has happened with my clients’ relatives they have been able to explain the relevant part of their sessions and/or refer the affected relatives to me for an explanation.
I know that a lot of people speak about “Higher Interest” but my question to you is would you want someone using an energy healing modality on you without your permission and without you having any knowledge of their level of expertise or intention? Additionally, would you want someone working on you who had no knowledge of your health/emotional challenges and any current healing you could be receiving? I certainly wouldn’t.
This doesn’t stop us sending thoughts/prayers of peace and love out to the individuals that cause such concern by their abusive actions and I feel comfortable with the thought that we can add intention to suggest they look for help and find that there are things called Heart-Walls that can allow significant changes when they are cleared. However, that is where the line must be drawn and frustrating as it may be, only ever use The Emotion Code or The Body Code on those that ask for us to do so.
I can do no better than conclude by quoting Dr Nelson although I have taken the liberty of adding clarification to the end of the first sentence.
“The only way we can change this world and bring it to a higher level of civilization is through changing the inhabitants of this earth, one at a time when they directly approach us and ask for help. By helping people to shed their emotional baggage, we transform them back into the pure spirits that they should be, and they become empowered to become who God intended them to become; their pains and phobias, their addictions and self-defeating behaviors fall away, and the pure essence of each individual shines forth from each heart, filling the immensity of space. This is how the world will change; and I guarantee you, it will, one person at a time. I hope you will join me and become a part of this work, whose destiny is to help transform this earth to a higher plane of existence, one life at a time!”
– Hazel Markou, Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner
I have found that where people in need of TEC refuse to be helped I can appeal to a Higher Source, in particular’ The Archangel Michael’ who deals with Spirit Rescue to see if he will assist and usually he will consent but I would agree that it is preferable for the person to consciously give their consent. See book by Wilma Davidson
‘Spirit Rescue’
I have offered to help somebody who is suffering pain & I believe emotional issues however my offer to assist have been refused with comments”I don’t want witch-craft” so it’s that persons denial of help that I don’t like.
If permission is not given then they don’t receive.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
What a clear statement about why it is best not to work on people without their permission. I have had to shake my head at those who feel like somehow the Higher Interest trumps interfering with people’s personal space.
Some people say to muscle test if the other person’s Higher Self wants to be cleared but given that muscle testing can be so subjective if we are not VERY careful everytime we test, we can often test what we believe should be to be true rather than the Truth itself.
My spiritual path, ECKANKAR, is very clear that there is a Spiritual Law about interfering with another’s psychic space. It leads to spiritual lessons by those that do so, that can be avoid simply by respecting others and asking before doing something that may not be wanted or appreciated.
We really are in kindergarten in learning about all these energies and the scope of their power and affect on others. In addition, there may be other entities out there that divert these for their own power. While there is great good with these tools we have, there may be things we don’t know also. We are explorers in a new country and haven’t seen the full extent of the terrain.
Thanks for sharing.
Blessings and gratitude,
I have been using TEC with my boyfriend, and when he talks about the changes he has made, he doesn’t credit (much) the releasing of past emotions, and says that the emotions aren’t his, but belong to other people (ex..jealousy…he says he wasn’t jealous, but that others are jealous of him).
As for using this on others without them knowing, my spirit knows what’s best for me, and if I’m not ready, or if what the other person is doing doesn’t have any added value toward me, I have no problem. No harm will have been done.
Hazel, I love reading your articles because you always make great points and you are absolutely right that we cannot intrude in the personal emotional space of individuals without their permission.
You got me thinking, knowing what we know about our hearts and the energy field the heart extends, can you imagine if we decided as a group of professionals to dedicate a set time and day to focus on love and prayers. History has been transformed when people have united on one mission through prayer as well as love generated through their hearts wanting peace and harmony. On Oct 13, The Blessed Mother appeared in Fatima in 1917 (hope I have the year right) and she asked for prayers for peace. Can you imagine if we all this coming Oct 13 no matter what faith, no matter what country, no matter what belief, simply used our hearts to send our world love, peace, and healing through prayer or meditation what we can do. Now that I have been helping people remove trapped emotions and clear heart walls, I am aware of what our hearts and minds together can do, I really try hard to make sure my heart is cleansed of negativity and try hard to carry with me love because so many people are hurting. We can change one person at time with our skills and we can change those around us with our silent intentions flowing from the heart.
What a timely and wonderful idea. I’ll post on my fb page and you can add this to the one’s for Healers Library (https://www.facebook.com/healerslibrary?fref=ts) and Dr. Brad (https://www.facebook.com/DrBradleyNelson?fref=ts).
If we set the time for these “Prayers for Peace” at say, 5.00pm GMT that should allow people who want to do it in the US to be awake whilst not being too late for most of those that are ahead of GMT. Do you agree?