The spotlight is on Avelino J. Lopez, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner today!
Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of this post for contact information and more!
How did you find out about The Emotion Code and how long have you been practicing?
A couple of friends brought my attention to The Emotion Code and Dr Bradley Nelson’s work two years ago. I have been practicing this technique since January 2012.
How do you think The Emotion Code compares to other energy healing modalities?
I have been using different modalities to help people with health problems and concerns. What truly amazes me about The Emotion Code is the ease to work on patients, eliminating those emotional events from our past and that can still affecting the human body, creating pain, and eventually developing diseases and the wonderful results people are experiencing.
What advice would you give to those that are new to practicing The Emotion Code?
Keep an open mind, always follow your intuitions and put a good intention . Be detached from the outcome world when working on people.The body has divine intelligence and the hability to heal itself. Learning the muscle testing techniques will guide you to trust yourself in order to help others. Just remember; the healing comes through you, not from you.
What are the differences between The Emotion Code and the westernized medical/drug industry?
I like the fact that The Emotion Code targets and releases emotions that are trapped in the body’s energy field even when the conscious mind does not remember anything from the past. You do not have to bring those memories from the subconscious to be cleared. The transformations that the whole body experiences will be powerful and profound. On the other side the western medicine focus only on treating the symptoms, paying no attention to what causes it
Do you have a healing story using The Emotion Code that you could tell us about?
I have seen so many healing happened since I started using The Emotion Code. One of the most amazing transformation and healing experience was on a lady suffering from Lime Disease, Scleroderma, pain and compromised immune system for almost 9 years. Three sessions working with her clearing all the emotional garbage was enough to see a live changed. Pain went away and her immune system has improve dramatically. Last week she was at the doctor’s office for a regular check up and her physician was so impressed with her fast recovery.
If you could tell the world about The Emotion Code in one sentence, what would it be?
The Emotion Code is the easiest and safest way to clear the emotional garbage that the human body have been recycling.
Where do you see the future of energy medicine headed?
The future of energy medicine is here and it feels like we’re at a time when everyone on the planet could use and benefits from some type of healing. The Emotion Code and The Body Code from Dr Bradley Nelson proves that.
Contact Info:
Skype: avelinolopez611
Phone Number: 863-605-0825
$ 50.00 per session (30 minutes)
Additional discounts will apply upon consultation.
Certification Level
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
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