This is a question we hear all the time. Muscle testing is based on the knowledge of your super-powerful subconscious and the tendency your muscles have to obey it. Ask a yes or no question, and then see how strongly or weakly your muscles respond with a variety of simple exercises. Sounds pretty cut and dry, right?
Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way!
Occasionally, even very experienced muscle testers may feel insecure. They may wonder if their conscious mind is influencing their answers. And if you’re just starting out, this can be a big stumbling block to energy healing until you feel like you’re “over the hump.” Here’s some insight which, when practiced consistently, should help you break through or get out of a muscle testing slump.
“Believe in Yourself”
You’ve heard that phrase a million times. But take a minute to reflect on belief, and what it really means to believe in yourself. People usually relate it to confidence or self-esteem, and those things are relevant. But when you believe in yourself, you trust yourself.
- You trust in your decisions
- You trust your intuition
- You go with your gut or follow your heart
Have you ever taken a “leap of faith”? Have you ever taken a step into the darkness, and been so glad you did? Or have you had your doubts but forced yourself into a leap, and then looked back and wondered what you were so afraid of?
When you’re muscle testing, whether you’re brand new to energy healing or have been doing it for 25 years, doubt is your enemy and belief is your ally. This is easier said than done; it takes practice. Sometimes you might feel like you have to “fake it ‘til you make it” and that’s okay. Forget your doubts and proceed.
Don’t overthink muscle testing — we call that analysis paralysis. Just like most things in life, mistakes are inevitable, but if you keep trying, so is progress!
A Faith Lesson From Hollywood
Remember that iconic scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where actor Harrison Ford is making his way through the life-threatening obstacle course that leads to the Holy Grail? At one point, the only way to progress further is to cross a massive, dark chasm with nothing but steep stone on either side. It’s way too far to jump, and falling means certain death. And not only does he need to get to the Grail before the villains do, but he’s trying to save his father’s life in the process.
It takes Indy a minute to remember that faith is the key. He takes a pause to focus on that, and then steps into nothingness. When he comes down on that foot, there’s suddenly solid ground beneath him. Within a few steps, the path appears before him and he crosses safely. But he had to take the step first!
The powerful message Hollywood gave is that pure belief is powerful. And that if you trust — in yourself, in your Higher Power — amazing things can happen. If you believe in energy healing, this may be a fundamental idea to you.
Relax…it’s Just Muscle Testing
Thankfully, your experience with muscle testing doesn’t need to be so dramatic. You won’t plunge to your death if you get the wrong answer or don’t believe hard enough. Muscle testing is safe, non-invasive, and doesn’t hurt. Can getting the right answer make a big difference in someone’s life? Absolutely! But…
- It’s okay if it takes time to get there
- It’s okay if you stumble a bit
- It’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time
Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect. Don’t entertain the doubts that enter your mind. Instead:
- Fill your mind with gratitude that you can do this
- Feel so much love that there’s no room for doubt
- Connect with your Higher Power, who wants you to succeed
- Believe that you can, and you will
Our muscle testing course is designed to help you succeed with energy healing modalities like The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™. If you have tips that have helped you overcome self-doubt in muscle testing, please comment below. You might help someone else change their life and the lives of others.
I remember the first time I saw a demonstration of testing (by Roy Martina) my first thought was: “This is too good to be true” this is actually a limiting belief – it took me two years to get over this belief and I could see, feel and experience: this testing is good and true. The last 40 yrs it has been an irreplaceable companion in practice and personal life, cannot do without anymore 🙂 Kees Dam, homeopathic and cam practitioner Amsterdam
this helped me in learning to muscle test . I seemed to trust the sway test , I felt I wasn’t influencing the answers, so when I was practicing the ring test , which I didn’t trust as much , if self doubt or indecision arose I would go back to the sway trust to confirm my answer , just by doing this I learnt to trust the ring test .
As a recently certified Emotion Code and about to be (this weekend!) certified Body Code practitioner I am still getting good at muscle testing but I always have my pendulum available for backup. That never lets me down! I recommend that for anyone as they build their muscle testing confidence.
Thank-you for all these helpful suggestions. I am still new and starting and already having thoughts of what if ….It helps to know that I can look back at these comments as a guide of what I can do.
It took me 2 yesrs to become confident to selftesting.
I doubted at the beginning my subconcience mind and then I got no answers. A milly second before I tested, I had the feeling,that I was stearing my wishes. That was my fault. Always short before you get the answer through muscle testing , your subconcience mind knows the answer and you think you are whishing a yes or no. My advice: trust your feelings and be neutral! It doesn’t matter, if there is a yes or no. It doesn’t matter if you test colum A or B. You can’t make a mistake, either you release an emotion or everything stayes as it is. Yust go on and see the results.
Muscle testing has been the most challenging thing for me to teach, not because the techniques are difficult-they’re not-but because people seem to hang out too much in their left brains. Practice going to that neutral space and once you do, ask a question but have no attachment to the outcome. Also, whether you’re using sway or muscle engagement, look for subtle changes not huge ones. People who watch me often comment that my force is much lighter than they thought it would be. And practice as much as you can. I not only use muscle testing in my practice but also at the store to ask if I should buy a particular thing. Have fun with it! It can really open up your connection to your higher self and how cool is that!
I am quite new into it. A few months ago, nothing was working, including the sway test. A fellow member proxy tested and determined I was reversed. She did something to help that. Soon there after, someone gifted me a pendulum – oh what fun! That was an instant success. I like to use the pendulum when doing sessions in front of people so they can be equally amazed since they see that I am not manipulating it. (Be aware, pendulums are too woo-woo for some people). Now I have started MT using a finger method and test it with the pendulum. I seem to be getting more consistent. remember to ask what Yes is and then what No is. The pendulum goes straight up and back for yes for me. Any other movement is No. The finger method is faster, so I definitely want to get confident with it. With the pendulum, if you are not sure, start it swaying at an angle and check your answer.
Trust in the Divine. When working on myself I like to ask my questions by prefacing with “Spirit” and then ask as I muscle test. I use a pendulum a lot for supplementation and trust in the answers. Sometimes the answers come in my head before the pendulum even swings. I also do a lot of proxy testing. Most of my clients are distance but even with those that I do in person I proxy. I have learned to proxy so well that I trust my answers. I always connect first to Source energy, all that is, the universe, guides or ask for an archangel to help. I believe the answers are out there and we are all connected.
1.) What really helps me is to recall the following self-reminders:
– don’t “make” the answer. Wait for the answer.
– don’t try to mentally figure out the answer. Let yourself be surprised by the answer.
– always be open for both “yes” and “no” without any preoccupation.
2.) The sway test really gave me a lot of confidence because I watched my body replying by itself without me doing anything. That makes it easier than the pressure-based tests. Because here my mental mind can’t interfere and manipulate that much. Knowing this gave me relief.
3.) Once you’ve found one testing method which works well for you, you can use it to verify answers while practicing another method. That increased my confidence.
4.) Confidence comes by knowing how your body reacts and says “yes” or “no”. We can’t know that before having done it several times, so why worry. The more we fine-tune into our muscle reaction pattern, the stronger we feel that the test is bullet-proof. So there’s really nothing to worry about. It does come with practice and only with pracitce.
I really the article. It has taken me a long time to feel really confident in muscle testing and I still have moments of uncertainty. One thing that helps me be more certain that it isn’t my own mind manipulating the outcome, is to test with a guess in mind and then see if that guess was accurate. Many times my body came up with a different answer, and I knew that it was not influenced by my thoughts and expectations.
Thank you! This really helped! 🙂
great idea
What helps me is to stay open and curious about what the answer may be. Example as to what I think is, “hmmm, I wonder what it could be?” or, “It will be interesting to see what shows up.”
Thank you for this article. It’s reassuring to understand that even veteran experts in muscle testing can still have their challenges, and I have definitely had my own challenges in learning this technique also.