Get to know the healing goodness of Emotion Code Practitioner Meadoe Nyberg. Meadoe can help you with any of your needs so reach out to her for a session. You can find her info at the bottom of this article.

How long have you been practicing?
I found out about the Emotion Code last Summer 2011 from my Father who uses it in his message therapy and cranial sacral practice. I have been practicing for about eight months now.  I first started out by practicing on myself and family members and then became certified soon after.

How do you think The Emotion Code compares to other energy healing modalities?
The muscle testing is so precise and accurate in finding out answers that it enables the practitioner to hone right in on the emotions so that they can be released. The Emotion Code really gets to the root of any issue so that one can let go of a lot of old buried baggage.  It is simple to learn and use but also works deeply.

What advice would you give to those that are new to practicing TEC?
I would say to keep doing it and to keep peeling away the layers of emotions. Also, to ask specific questions when muscle testing so that if there are any blocks to moving forward or anything else that is holding a person back they can remove them.

What are the differences between the Emotion Code and the westernized medical/drug industry?
The Emotion Code encompasses the physical and emotional aspects of a persons health challenges. Instead of only treating the physical issues a person has it will release emotions that can benefit a person on many levels.

Do you have a healing story using TEC that you could tell us about?
A woman that I worked on a few times was in an unhealthy relationship and did not know how to end it. He was abusive to her but it was still hard for her to say goodbye to him and move on. Eventually, she became stronger after releasing emotions from childhood where she had been abused and was able to let that unhealthy relationship go. She now feels a lot stronger and happier.

If you could tell the world about the Emotion Code in one sentence, what would you say?
The Emotion Code is the healing way of the future that helps us move past all barriers!

Where do you see the future of energy medicine headed?
I see the future of energy medicine going towards each and everyone of us being able to heal ourselves and to also prevent disease from happening before it starts!

Contact Meadoe: 541-653-9076
Rates: $45 for 1 session, $90 for 2 sessions, and $130 for 3 sessions\par