We are highlighting the energy work of Pam Rowen-Herzog this week. Please contact Pam for a session or to make a new friend, you can find her information at the bottom of this interview.

How did you find out about The Emotion Code and how long have you been practicing?
I ordered the book years ago at the recommendation of a friend, but it sat on my shelf until the fall of 2011. It resonated so deeply with me that I read it cover to cover in a weekend and ever since then I’ve been practicing on my family and friends. A year ago I became an official practitioner.

How do you think The Emotion Code compares to other energy healing modalities?
I think TEC works well with many different modalities and therapies. I seek a Yin-Yang balance in my sessions, that is, I include both the feminine (subconscious, surrender) and masculine (conscious, informational) aspects of healing. When I start with 1/2 hour of quiet meditative energy healing, I find that doing TEC in the second half of the session works incredibly well (although this is not necessary for TEC to work.) My clients have less urgency for answers and therefore are able to quietly listen to their bodies for only the necessary information to come to their consciousness for the next step in their healing. Usually after several sessions clients are able to do TEC process with very little help from kinesiology. Its such a privilege to experience the empowerment they feel for self-healing!

What advice would you give to those that are new to practicing The Emotion Code?
Trust everything that comes into the “field” when you are practicing TEC. The Universe will conspire to bring the right information to you and/or your clients’ consciousness; it is, thankfully, not up to you to have the answers. I find information can even come through many seemingly irritating interruptions – the sirens going by, the flies buzzing around our faces, the random thought or tangent that one of us goes on about, my youngest child walking into the office, etc. Trust, and then watch the beautiful process unfold! I often repeat these three things with clients to set the tone of a session: Wonder, Awe and Gratitude. I wonder what my body is trying to tell me? My body’s wise communication is incredible! Thank you God!

What are the differences between The Emotion Code and the westernized medical/drug industry?
Western medicine was originally designed for emergency medical situations only. TEC is for awakening spiritually and emotionally which as a result keeps us physically balanced and healthy. TEC is simple and blends the feminine and masculine aspects of healing, whereas western medicine is complex and purely masculine.

Do you have a healing story using The Emotion Code that you could tell us about?
I am currently working with an 85 year old woman who came to me with a painful shoulder, and very skeptical. In my opinion the first session was such a flop that I was quite certain I would never see her again. (Everything, and I mean everything I mentioned to her, she responded that it did not resonate with her in the least.) The last trapped emotion we neutralized was shame, and so to leave her with something positive that she could hopefully grasp, I tested her body for the vibration that she was most craving. We found it to be “worthy”.

Surprisingly she returned the next week with a story that baffled her. During the week she had an “impulse” to get out her silverware that is over 150 years old, handed down through many generations. She has had it for 60 years and would only pull it out for guests on holidays. It had been over 10 years since she entertained, but this week she decided to take it out and replace the cheap silverware in her drawer. This sudden decision shocked her, but even more so was the fact that 20-25 times a day she was opening the drawer to look at it and exclaiming, “It is glowing!” When she told me this story she asked, “Why would I finally feel worthy enough to have nice silverware just for myself after 60 years of feeling like only guests were worthy enough of something so beautiful?” She slowly started to understand that now that the shame was neutralized, she was beginning to awaken to images and stories and experiences around her that reflected her inner beauty and worth. A few weeks later when we began work on her heart wall we laughed when we realized her heart wall was made of silver. It represents both a shield with her life-long message to the world, “Don’t mess with me!”, as well as the high-class glamour she presents on the outside.

Recently reflecting with this client about her healing, she came to the conclusion that if her shoulder pain had disappeared instantly during the first session she never would have felt like it was a success and never come back. However, through the process of TEC and removing her heart wall, after 85 years she has now experienced a healing so deep that she feels like she is almost beginning a new life. Her shoulder? There is immediate fruit after each session in that she is pain free which sometimes lasts for days. Her pain is significantly less (initially a 7 down to a 2), however, most importantly she is experiencing so much more joy in her life that her previously narrow focus on her shoulder pain has been given space just to be, so that she cares very little about it anymore. She feels alive again, and now realizes this is the healing she was needing all along.

If you could tell the world about The Emotion Code in one sentence, what would it be?
The Emotion Code can significantly help in your evolution of consciousness!

Where do you see the future of energy medicine headed?
I’m watching my three boys for this one. At ages 6, 8 and 11 they have been raised with the knowledge that their body’s wisdom, Love and only sometimes a bit of help from nature (as in natural remedies) is all they ever need to be healthy. They have no thoughts when they are sick that they need to see a doctor in order to get well, and so they never have needed western medicine. They are also learning to listen to their bodies, and to heal each other. They will not need to unlearn and relearn all that we have had to, and therefore I am excited to learn from this generation of children with such a consciousness!

Pam’s Contact Info
Email: pam@guideforconscioushealing.com
Phone: 707-787-7772
Website: www.guideforconscioushealing.com
20 minute free consultation
30 minute session is $40
60 minute session is $75