The spotlight is on Sara Gunther, Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner!

Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of this post for contact information and more!

How did you find out about The Emotion Code and how long have you been practicing?

I was introduced to The Emotion Code October 2015. I started my experience with The Emotion Code by having an aunt do some work for me and my husband. I was then able to meet a lady nearby that was doing the Body Code as a business, and I had to try this more in depth form of energy healing. During that time, when I was doing sessions with this practitioner, I had an experience where I felt a cord to my heart and I could actually sense what it was and where it was located. This practitioner was able to release it and the pain left immediately. After that moment, I knew I had to learn more about this method of healing. I read The Emotion Code book, at first with only the intention to learn about it but not to become a practitioner myself. By the time I finished the book, I realized I wanted this to be apart of my family’s lives, for the rest of my life. I signed up for The Emotion Code Practitioner Certification. At the end of that process, when I had people who wanted to be clients, I just jumped into being a practitioner. Seeing the impact and improvement in people’s lives, and being a part of it, was an answer to prayers I hadn’t even spoken. I become an Emotion Code practitioner January 22, 2015 and became Body Code Certified in July 2015.

How do you think The Emotion Code compares to other energy healing modalities?

I’ve read about and even been trained in a few other healing modalities, and all of those experiences have increased my knowledge and understanding of energy healing. As well as giving me added insight when I’m working with my clients. However, I always stick with The Emotion Code modality because it works and because it’s easy to understand. Half of my clients, when they came to me, had never even heard of energy healing. But because of a positive experience a friend or family member had with The Emotion Code, they wanted to learn more. I was able to explain this healing method to them in a tangible way that they could grasp, without feeling like it was too “out there.” There’s a science to this method that keeps me grounded, and makes it easy and simple to explain to others, regardless of their amount of “energy healing exposure.”

What advice would you give to those that are new to practicing The Emotion Code?

To anyone who is new to The Emotion Code and just starting to practice, I would say to always believe in yourself and in your abilities. This is a method that is a tool to our naturally intuitive natures. The ability is already within you. You are now simply practicing how to unlock that ability and use it as a tool for your personal healing, and for the healing of others who will come to you.

What are the differences between The Emotion Code and the westernized medical/drug industry?

Westernized medical/drug industry is very much about physical symptoms and treating them. The only way to determine what those symptoms are is with physical, tangible tests that come back with answers explaining why something is the way it is. I believe that modern medicine has many gifts and benefits to offer us, but in typical form, our society has become focused on the physical evidence proving one thing or the other, that modern medicine has given way to western ideals. This means we put too much emphasis on what we see, and not enough on what we can’t see, but which is just as real. The Emotion Code, on the other hand, recognizes the inherent power within our bodies to do miraculous things and heal in ways westernized medicine has deemed “impossible.” The body is an amazing storage container of both good and bad, and it has logged all the data on what is what, where it’s located, and how it can be removed. The use of muscle testing then makes it possible to access that data and use it to help in the release of negative emotions that are holding us back.

Do you have a healing story using The Emotion Code that you could tell us about?

There are so many amazing stories I could tell, but the most impactful story is about a man named Joseph. (With his permission, I have shared his first name). In May of 2015, he was dealing with a failing liver. The doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong. All they knew was that his liver wasn’t working properly, hardly at all in fact, and so the only remedy they could find was to replace the liver with a new one. They put him high on the transplant list, telling him that if he didn’t receive a new liver within 3 months he would likely die. Now if he DID get the new liver, there was only a 50% chance that his body would accept it within the first year. If you saw him, you’d see a man with bright yellow skin and yellow eyes. It was so unreal it looked like he’d been spray painted.

He didn’t know anything about energy healing when we first talked, but he was open to anything at this point. And after hearing about my dad’s healing experience with this, he was willing to give it a try. We spent the next 2 months, meeting every other day, for a session. While he didn’t see any physical changes at first, he saw the numbers from his blood tests steadily rising. His doctors were astounded as they watched his body recover and slowly regain health. There came a day, about 3 months after our first session, that his doctors proclaimed him to be fully healthy again, with comments of “miracles” and “amazing” and “I don’t know how you did it.”

But he knew what his body had been able to do, as a result of his diligent Body Code sessions. His liver was quite literally regenerated and restored, and the rest of the body was able to heal from this traumatic health crisis.

If you could tell the world about The Emotion Code in one sentence, what would it be?

The Emotion Code is just what it sounds like a code to unlocking the unseen emotional baggage we are all carrying around, and letting it out in a way that heals and restores our bodies so that we are free to live at our highest potential.

Where do you see the future of energy medicine headed?

I believe that energy medicine has a bright future ahead of it. I see a lot of people who are dissatisfied with westernized medicine, who are trying to rediscover the mystic healing methods that the ancients used for centuries. There’s a growing interest in the holistic side of medicine, and this is linked to energy healing. The Emotion Code is doing amazing things for energy medicine through it’s more scientific approach. Certification adds credibility to this program and method. People will continue to have positive experiences, and as they do, they will pass this information along to their friends and family. Good news spreads, and as it continues to do so, it will gather even more interest and positive reinforcement.

Contact Info:

Phone number: 801.995.8633

I don’t do online booking or have a website. All of my clients come through referrals and The Global Practitioner Map, so I guess I haven’t needed a website yet. I hope that’s okay! People can call, text, or email me to schedule an appointment. I do sessions in person (if they’re local), or via phone or skype if they’re not local or would just prefer the phone call. I also have a few clients that log onto the google doc to watch the session and chat with me as we go.

Certification Level
Certified Body Code Practitioner