Sent in by Emotion Code Practitioner Shoshana Michel from a client:
“After our first Emotion Code® appointment I felt a sense of peace and calmness inside like I have never felt. As the days went by, the constant “buzzing” or vibration that was running through my veins for as long as I can remember is gone! I find that I am not reacting the same way to the world around me. I used to be very high strung, tense, nervous, and always fearful. That is now gone too. I sleep well and I wake up with a more positive attitude, and definitely more clarity to solve problems and handle stress. I don’t feel the same level of daily, hourly anxiety I have always had. It has dramatically reduced. I can’t tell you how thankful I am. I also now have noticed that I always had anger bubbling just under the surface of my chest and that tightness in my chest is also gone. I feel more moments of joy and happiness that I had been missing for years.
“The most amazing thing is that it seems to be affecting my whole household. My mother and father have been married for 55 years. They are both 81 and unfortunately their relationship had deteriorated to the point where they didn’t have very much to say to each other, unless it was bickering. For the last two days I have watched them laughing, talking, and having coffee together — two days in a row! Thank you for freeing me from a prison of worry, fear and despair.
“I just want to thank you so much! This work is life changing and I cannot wait until our next appointment.”
(A.I., New Jersey, USA)
~Shoshana Michel, New York, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using the Emotion Code® or the Body Code™ for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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