“Tania had severe anxiety and had experienced trauma in her past. When I met her, the therapist wanted to send her to a trauma expert to assist in her mental health recovery. However, after we worked for five Emotion Code® sessions, the therapist stated she had seen such a dramatic improvement in Tania that she no longer thought it was necessary to send her to the trauma specialist.
“In addition, when Tania was driving and a car turned head on into her lane, she said she had a moment of panic but she reacted appropriately and then she noticed she was not hyperventilating. She did not have heart palpitations or have shaky and clammy hands. She did not feel confused, but was able to think clearly and to drive home. In the past she would have gone into a full panic attack.”
~Linda V., Nebraska, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using the Emotion Code®, the Body Code™, or the Belief Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
This is awesome. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share.