I met with a man named Bob for the first time, as he answered an ad I placed on Craigslist, looking for energy healing volunteers. He was a war veteran with arthritis all throughout his body. He had gone through several PTSD recovery camps and suffered from insomnia. There were too many issues to cover for this first visit, so we focused on the most severe arthritis he had, which was in his knees. It was very difficult for him to stand up from sitting, and it usually took him about 10 steps after sitting to feel comfortable with walking. He could also only walk on flat surfaces. After our session, in which I identified trapped emotions from some truly significant areas in his life, he was able to stand and walk comfortably. He texted me that he felt his knees had been oiled! The following week, he told me that he was able to walk down a steep hill comfortably, which he would have fallen down previously.
~Nicole R.
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