“In my first session with an Emotion Code® Practitioner, I asked her to focus on my issue of having difficulty waking up in the morning. This had plagued me for several years because of various chronic illnesses and emotional traumas, but after healing most of those problems, I still could barely get out of bed each day, making it difficult to take care of my children and get them to school on time. The practitioner found 24 trapped emotions contributing to this issue, many of them hidden, and coming from the years that I had suffered from chronic illness and fatigue. The next day, I woke up feeling like a new person! It’s been nearly 6 weeks, and I am able to get out of bed without hitting the snooze button, or feeling a sense of dread or exhaustion upon waking. I can clearly tell the difference between feeling tired and needing more sleep, and feeling like I don’t want to face my day. This has been a total game changer for my productivity and confidence. I now wake up with a sense of joy and purpose each day without anything holding me back, and I actually look forward to mornings again!

My 6-year-old had his first Emotion Code session and I asked the practitioner to focus on the separation anxiety and unhealthy “neediness” he experienced with his dad. Whenever they were home together, my son begged for his constant attention and would become very emotional if his dad even went into another room of the house without him. This behavior was even worse on the weekends, so we were pleasantly surprised to see that the day after his session, a Saturday, he played independently for several hours without needing to be entertained by his dad. He also had a huge burst of creativity and created the most beautiful and imaginative art the entire weekend! He was joyful, generous to his sister, and lovingly affectionate towards his dad without expecting anything in return. This was truly miraculous for our family!

My daughter was two years old when she was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. For a period of several months, she experienced severe and traumatic symptoms that deeply affected our entire family. For the next two years we sought every form of therapy and healing modality we could find that would help her to overcome these symptoms, and she was able to heal about 90% of her issues. Unfortunately, she still had the constant issue of not being able to sleep and having horrific melt downs in the middle of the night. We worked with a Body Code Practitioner to focus on this issue, and by the second session, the emotions, negative cords, and other issues she was able to release was amazing. I could see the change in my daughter’s face, the new zest she had for life, and the joyful energy she was radiating in everything she did. The night after the session, she fell asleep within two minutes of laying in bed, and slept peacefully the entire night! I know we still have more work to do, but this is the greatest blessing for my daughter and our family.”

~Stefanie W., USA

While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.