Georgia Powley submitted this after a recent Body Code™ session:
“Hi Lana, Thank you so much for all my sessions. I have felt a huge shift within me. My energy feels lighter and more open. I can connect with my heart more easily and quicker than before. It was interesting because before I received your last email, I was doing my morning practice and I usually do a certain hip movement. I have had a tight and clicky right hip for a very long time and have just accepted it as overuse from full time ballet. However, after a recent session, my hip felt really different and didn’t click like it usually does. Then I read your message about clearing trapped emotions in ICV which can affect the low back or right hip. I was amazed! I never thought that the tightness and clicking would be from a trapped emotion, but now I know! I’m incredibly grateful for your healings, thank you Lana! I have felt so much more inspired and creative. I am more open to experience life on a deeper level.”
~Lana Nelson, Montana, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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