“I have not used The Emotion Code® yet, but I am happy to share my story as to what lead me to the path of wanting to become an Emotion Code Practitioner.
When I started my first energy session with a certified practitioner, she asked what my goal was. I said, “I want to find a way to raise my vibration and keep it there.” She loved this and we began on a journey towards that. In the process, we discovered that my self-worth was at an all time low, the lowest she had ever seen. It was zero. Absolutely, zero! Obviously, we had some work to do.
With the help of our energy work sessions and my personal self-healing practices at home, such as meditation, yoga, future self-journaling, regular journaling, spending time in nature, and developing a spiritual practice of my own, I rapidly began seeing an improvement in my self-worth. Up and up it went. The practitioner said that the increase was certainly a result of the work we were doing releasing trapped energy, but also because I was amping it up by doing my own work.
In the course of three months, my self-worth went from 0 to 100! I applied, and was accepted, to the Masters program of my dreams. I came out of a deep sadness, eradicated all anxiousness, and eliminated chronic debilitating bouts of throbbing in the head with symptoms of nausea and light sensitivity. I ended a toxic relationship and I have given myself the room and space to recover. The Emotion Code was quite literally a life-saver. It has been nothing short of a miracle.”
~Alexandria V., USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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