When you’re sad, angry, frustrated, or anxious, have you ever felt like it impacts how you feel physically? Most of us would say yes. Have you ever been through a breakup, job loss, or fought with a friend and experienced feelings of fatigue, muscle tension, even headaches? The vast majority of us know what it’s like to have our emotions affect our physical and mental state. When you’re happy, you tend to feel more energetic and vibrant. When you’re sad, you usually feel the opposite. This phenomenon illustrates why emotional healing is so important; from a holistic standpoint, it can have a big impact on your health.
If you look at your body and its systems holistically, you’ll realize there are emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to health, along with the physical. If you believe in holistic health, you’ll recognize that emotional healing is firmly tied to mental, spiritual, and physical wellness.
What Does Emotional Health Mean to You?
Being emotionally healthy doesn’t mean you’re always happy. What it does mean is that you’re aware of your emotions — positive or negative — and able to deal with them in productive ways. You recognize when you’re feeling angry, stressed out, or sad. Instead of denying those feelings, you know how to manage your emotions and recognize when you might need a little help sorting them out.
If you’re healthy emotionally, you’ll likely have better control over your thoughts and actions, which can help you in your career and relationships. Practicing emotional healing and taking care of your emotional health is a great way to ensure you can bounce back when things go wrong.
If you feel your emotional health could use a boost, it’s possible that talking things through with a licensed therapist could be needed. For most of us though, emotional healing can be learned over time as a skill. Just like any other skill, practice makes perfect. Here are a few ideas that could help you improve your emotional healing abilities.
Practice Emotional Mindfulness
There is research that indicates that being mindful may help you be less emotionally reactive and get more satisfaction out of your relationships. To practice mindfulness, it may be as simple as putting down your phone when you’re around family and friends. Maybe you take a break from social media, or focus mentally on the task at hand instead of thinking about past or upcoming events and worries.
The above examples can help you practice mindfulness in your daily, functional life. But from an emotional standpoint, practicing mindfulness could be almost as simple. When your feelings start bubbling up, stop and think about what you’re feeling and why. Recognize it and let yourself feel it, but then think about how you’re about to react. Is it rational? Does your reaction seem balanced with what you’re reacting to?
Emotional healing and emotional mindfulness go hand in hand. If you know what you’re feeling and why, you should be better equipped to process those feelings and keep your reactions under control.
Get Adequate Sleep
When you’re tired, you can’t function at your best physically, mentally or emotionally. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you might react more quickly and severely to others, or feel a little down. If you’ve ever noticed this, scientists can back you up. A 2018 study found that inadequate sleep may actually make people more prone to negative thinking. You might also be more likely to feel stressed and anxious when you’re sleepy.
Connect With Loved Ones
Loneliness or isolation could make emotional healing more difficult. We all need to be alone sometimes, but if you’re on your own consistently, you could be more prone to feeling negative, sad, or stressed out. Maintain your emotional connection with loved ones (beyond social media). Say hi to people in the grocery store, have dinner with friends, and talk to coworkers around the water cooler. Even when personal, physical gatherings aren’t realistic, pick up the phone or use video calls to connect and have meaningful conversations.
Balance Work and Play
Emotional healing may require a balance between work and play. No matter how much you love your job, you also need to have fun and let off a little steam on a regular basis. Don’t let your career or professional pursuits rule your life —you could even get burned out on things you love.
Express Your Feelings
Keeping sadness, anger or worry bottled up can prevent emotional healing. Find someone to talk to when you need to vent or sort out your feelings. If you’re mindful of how you express them, letting your feelings out — such as in an honest but tactful conversation — can go a long way to helping you bounce back.
Emotional healing is a vital part of an abundant, healthy, happy life. Try to take an active role in preserving and improving your emotional health so you can enjoy the best this life has to offer.
Practice The Emotion Code
Energy healing practices like The Emotion Code® can help you with emotional healing by resolving negative energies from the past that could be trapped inside you. Trapped Emotions are literal, physical energies that may become lodged in any part of the body, and they could lead to emotional and physical distress. In a few simple steps, you could regularly clear out those energies and work toward emotional healing.
We All Need Emotional Healing
Now more than ever, people need emotional healing. It seems as if our world is spiraling into more and more turmoil every day. Sickness, political strife, cultural tension, and disagreements can take their toll on us all. But when our connection between body and spirit is strong, emotional healing can help you stay positive and calm through even the most troubling times.
It’s natural to feel negative emotions, particularly during life’s challenges. But holding onto that negativity is not healthy. Fortunately, emotional healing practices like The Body Code (TBC) and The Emotion Code (TEC) can help you identify and release potentially harmful negative energy.
Using muscle testing to access your subconscious mind, you can begin identifying trapped emotional energies (you might call them “old wounds”) that could result from turmoil or bad experiences, and work to release them. You can do this on your own or with the help of a certified Emotion Code Practitioner — in person or by proxy.
Potential Hazards of Neglecting Emotional Healing
If you don’t feel like yourself, or feel in your gut that something isn’t right, maybe it’s time to do some soul-searching or emotional healing. Trapped Emotions can result in feeling stressed, which in turn may lead to:
- Lowered immune system response
- Digestive issues
- Poor skin and hair quality
- Headaches
- Weight gain
- Increased belly fat due to cortisol accumulation
Emotional Baggage
Emotional baggage is called that because it tends to weigh you down. Think of those negative Trapped Emotions as two heavy suitcases you’re forced to carry all day, every day. It’s no wonder you’re tired!
This is also why releasing emotions like jealousy, unworthiness, sadness, or bitterness is described as taking a weight off your shoulders. Many people actually FEEL lighter once they release this baggage, or “unpack” it for emotional healing.
The Effects of Emotional Healing
If you’re not used to actively maintaining your emotional health, emotional healing can feel foreign or “out there” to you at first. But once you begin, you may start feeling the effects very quickly. The better you feel, both emotionally and physically, the more you can achieve. Your relationships may become closer, and you may begin to experience more joy in your life. When you begin to experience those things, you might feel more energetic, confident, and motivated to achieve your goals.