“I took an online Emotion Code® 7-week class with Dr. Brad on the Shift Network starting last December. In January my husband had an episode of kidney stones. He was pretty miserable and we ended up going to the emergency room. They kept him and sent me home due to no visitors during Covid. Overnight they transferred him to the hospital and the next day they called me to come pick him up. He was out of pain when I picked him up, but scans showed that there was another stone, so we didn’t know when that one might start to bother him. It happened that the day I picked him up was my birthday, January 16, and we had dinner reservations at a local restaurant to celebrate. That evening we headed out to the restaurant and I could tell my husband was not feeling 100%. I asked him what was going on, and he said another stone was starting and he was at about a 3 or 4 on the pain scale. I told him to turn the car around, so we went home, he went to bed, and I cancelled our reservation.
“I decided, as a complete beginner, to try the Emotion Code. It can’t hurt! So I followed what I had seen Dr. Brad do in my course, and released several emotions. After a while, I felt a sense of calm and peace coming over me, and I knew my husband was asleep. He slept through the night and the next morning felt fine. He works from home and worked his usual full day. Later that day he told me that even 2 shots of morphine in the hospital did not help him as much as the Emotion Code did. Since that time he has not had any more issues with kidney stones! After that amazing demonstration of the power of the Emotion Code, I just knew I had to learn as much as I could, and here I am working on becoming certified!”
~Nancy A., Connecticut, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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