“I began receiving Emotion Code® sessions in May of 2014 and continue to receive regular sessions from an Emotion Code practitioner today, 4 years later. I survived a major car accident in 2013, sustaining one slight injury, a muscular “holding” in my upper left back/shoulder area, behind my heart.
“I believe it is a miracle that I survived at all, due to the gravity of the wreck. My car flipped in the air, nose over tail and side over side, 25 feet airbound, then landed on all four wheels. I flipped so high that there was no damage to the roof of my car. There were no other cars or people involved. It happened because I was speeding and not paying attention. The fact that my injury was was so slight is a blessing beyond comprehension. I believe I was given a second chance to live that day.
“I began practicing yoga for meditation as a therapy to relax the muscular “holding” injury in my back. I told my teacher about this slight pain. My yoga teacher was a certified Emotion Code practitioner, and offered a free first session to address my upper back/shoulder pain. The first emotion that came up that day was “anxiety – trapped in the womb.” It resonated. As soon as it was released magnetically, I felt a tingling sensation melting down my back. It felt like warm honey.
“I continued sessions with my practitioner. We cleared out my Heart-Wall®. It has been almost 4 years and I still have zero back pain. Since that time, my outlook on life has changed completely. Everything has changed. My husband of 17 years and I divorced. I’ve also left my public school teaching career of 18 years. I’ve moved. My life is completely fresh and new. I have decided to delve into energy work and natural healing myself, to become a practitioner as well. The Emotion Code has been so incredibly effective, that this modality presents as a natural choice for me to pursue.”
~Stacy W., Colorado, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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