“A few weeks after I discovered The Emotion Code®, I did a session on myself to remove my Heart-Wall®. Within days, after years of struggling and feeling blocked, a dream career opportunity opened up for me, and I manifested the money to move into it right away. I finally had peace and clarity of mission in life!
“A few weeks later I cleared the rest of my Heart-Wall with a practitioner. It was amazing and I felt a huge shift right away again! My clarity of mission (for energy healing) grew. Abundance and relationships improved. I feel so much happier, confident, and less triggered. I also noticed wonderful, high vibe people just started seeking me out and connecting!”
~Amanda Petkau, Canada
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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