“I found the Emotion Code® on TikTok during the pandemic. I had lost my job and due to physical and emotional pain, I was hopeless and feeling done with this world. I didn’t have any plans for my future and wanted to end my life if things didn’t improve by the time I was 60 years old. Then I met Kirsten Morley and she changed my whole life. First I received one 30-minute energy healing session. She cleared a few Trapped Emotions and one was from my chest. I didn’t feel much difference but I decided to purchase a 12-session package to see what a difference 12 sessions could make. Within the first week, I signed up to become an Emotion Code practitioner myself and decided almost immediately that I would become Body Code™ certified as soon as I could. Not only did the Emotion Code and Body Code change how I felt about myself, but it transformed my whole spirit and healed me from years of emotional abuse from my parents and my ex-husband, but also I stopped feeling like my pain was the excuse I needed to end my life. It healed the pain in my shoulders, mostly, and loosened up my chest and feet. It helped me in so many countless ways, including opening up a platform for me to heal my loved ones and strangers on the internet on a daily basis, which for that, I am eternally grateful.”

~Cerene Adrienne, Oregon, USA

While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.