Four stories of how one person used the Emotion Code® to resolve different kinds of problems:

“My friend suffered from severe migraines for years. By using the Emotion Code, these seizures have been greatly reduced. They haven’t completely disappeared yet, but things have improved enormously.

“My niece is iron deficient. The iron fell so low that she was advised to get an IV, but she didn’t want that. With the help of the Emotion and Body Code™, her iron value was raised again.

“My brother-in-law had a very traumatic experience as a baby. By releasing stuck emotions, he felt better and found the strength to take on the subject comprehensively.

“Another friend suffered severe back pain during a public occasion. I went with her to a small private cloakroom and helped her release three or four Trapped Emotions. As a result, her back pain disappeared and she was able to attend the event without any worries.

~Marianne V., Nunningen, Switzerland

While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.