“I would like to report on a student who I have been tutoring for seven years. He came to me in the 2nd grade and could not read or write at all. With a lot of effort on his part, and the help of his mother, he studied diligently, but it was never enough. Even so, this boy was transferred along from one grade to the next over the many school years. Sitting still wouldn’t have changed his ability. His grades in all of the subjects were extremely bad despite his diligence. He couldn’t remember anything. Then, exactly two years ago, I started using the Emotion Code® with him. After a few sessions, I noticed such a strong change that my heart’s desire was born to tackle the learning blocks with my school children.
“Even though he tried hard before with much diligence, now he is writing much better. He’ll never be a top student, but now he’s somewhere in the middle and has finally gained so much self-confidence that his school career may even end with a good degree. I will definitely continue to support him with the Emotion Code and try to give him a good start in life.
“Through this experience it was clear to me that working with the Emotion Code should become my permanent job!”
~Christine W., Eckental, Germany
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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