Where to begin?! I have seen many rewarding experiences for my subjects and myself.
I was fortunate enough to have a lovely gentleman Martin offer to be an official guinea pig for my Emotion Code® certification portfolio. He is a very experienced Reiki Master and was very open to new ideas.
Martin was in a very serious motorcycle accident eight years ago, in a coma for a long period with serious injuries to his head, spine and legs. He had serious issues due to nerve damage in his left leg. When it spasmed, it caused extreme pain (off the chart) and became completely immobile at intervals on a more or less daily basis. Last June he kickstarted a motorcycle with his right, relatively healthy leg. He misjudged his position and stamped down with his heel causing serious damage to his knee when it connected with concrete floor. Since then, he had not been able to start a motorcycle, never mind ride one, which meant he was not able to work. (Martin is a very sought after vintage motorcycle restorer, with a 3-year client waiting list.)
He had been in physiotherapy for months and he also had obviously been practising Reiki on himself, but nothing brought relief from the pain or any recovery from the injury. I did one session with Martin via proxy in March. It was a fairly straight forward session. He didn’t have to tell me anything. (I feel this is such a huge added benefit for men as they are not as keen to share what can be uncomfortable details, as women.) When he identified what had caused the Trapped Emotions™, we were able to release them. At the end of the session, he just smiled and said he felt such a lot lighter and happier, as well as very bemused.
Two days later I spoke to Martin. He was very happy. For the first time in the nearly 10 months he had not only been able to start a motorbike, he actually went out for a ride. His right knee was completely recovered. The story gets better. The next week I got a message saying that he had been out for a long ride on his bicycle, something he had not been able to do at all since the crash. The pain and spasms in his left knee were down to a 5 in severity as well.
I have had 3 other runaway success stories to date using The Emotion Code® with knee problems, but Martin’s is my favorite as it not only brought pain relief and healing, it also gave him his livelihood and passion back.”
~Corinne Livesey, North Yorkshire, Great Britain
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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