“I founded an all-volunteer charity that focuses on rehabilitating senior, abused, and ill pets. After almost 20 years of working with a myriad of professional healers from around the globe, a practitioner came into my life through a series of amazing circumstances and at a time when many of my beloved rescue dogs were most needing help. This Certified Emotion Code® Practitioner was in England and we were in the US, so we communicated exclusively by email.
“One of my most abused rescues was written off by vets. This beautiful rescue, now 15, should not be alive today according to vets, yet has gained weight and is showing no signs of what the vets said would be happening to her! This practitioner was “on call” almost 24/7 to see us through this and it was quite an incredible inspiration to see how quickly energy can shift!
“My skeptical mother had broken her back twice and had almost no relief from pain, even with physical therapy and other modalities. I almost forced her to be open to allow the Emotion Code practitioner to work with her, again all long distance and by email. My mother almost didn’t want to believe this could do anything, but within less than a week, she could not find anything else to attribute to her freedom from pain, other than the Emotion Code. She too is now a believer!”
~Randi Berger, California, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using the Emotion Code® or the Body Code™ for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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