“I think the biggest breakthrough I got [when using the Emotion Code®] was when I was working for a mother and her daughter. They were in financial distress and had two properties which were not selling. I did a few sessions for both of them. Within a few weeks, both of their properties were sold and this gave them the financial freedom they so desperately needed. During my sessions I discovered various emotions which were preventing them from attracting buyers for their properties.

“Another similar incident happened with me. I have an investment property which is rented and I use the rent to pay the mortgage. My tenant was supposed to stay in that property for one year. However, she gave me 60 days’ notice to vacate and I was having no success in finding another tenant. I did not want to hire a real estate agent as that would mean paying one month’s rent in commission.

“I did this work on me and released a number of trapped emotions which were preventing me from attracting the right tenant. Within two days, one guy contacted me. He had the best credit score and met all of my requirements. He is an amazing individual. In two days my property was rented again!

~Zeeshan Raza, Ontario, Canada

While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.