“I am generally fascinated by how fast and consistently the Emotion Code® works. It doesn’t matter if they’re physical or psychological ailments. I also think it is great that it can be used to help children of all ages and, of course, animals.
“I have a little Yorkshire terrier, Josy. She was very sick a few months ago. The vet thought she had something going on with her heart. She got beta blockers, but it didn’t get any better and I couldn’t quite believe that was actually the problem. One day she couldn’t get up. I even needed to take her out to do her ‘business.’ Suddenly the thought came to me that I should release trapped emotions from her. She had taken on a lot of emotion from the family. Less than an hour later, she walked around as normal again. Wow! Now when Josy runs around a bit stressed, and not seeming as cheerful as usual, sometimes my son will say, ‘Mum, I think Josy needs a magnet again…'”
~Nicole B., Gunzenhausen, Germany
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using the Emotion Code® or the Body Code™ for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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