When I finished reading The Emotion Code® book by Dr. Bradley Nelson, it made sense. I cried on and off while I was reading. I found so many issues which really connected to my life. It was so amazing that I could use a simple fridge magnet to release my trapped emotions! I felt like I won a million dollars.
I had a painful heart after my daughter got married. Repeated problems and misunderstandings gave me the feeling of dying. The relationship with my only daughter suffered because of my trapped emotions. I was angry and hurt whenever I saw her and she didn’t want to come home to see me either, despite the sweetness and close relationship we had previously for 24 years. I used to be very close to her and she shared everything to me. I felt stuck and depressed. Although I tried many ways to get back what I loved, every effort slipped through my fingers.
Then something magical happened. The experiences and feelings I had after releasing trapped emotions really amazed me. My heart has been full of love for my daughter since then. All the upset feelings, anger, and resentment melted away! My well-being has improved a great deal. Now I have a lot of energy, and am very calm, creative and sharp. Even after going through thyroid and ovarian cancer for 10 years, my husband and others say that I look younger and my skin is radiant.
I also helped a few other people (including children), release their trapped emotions and Heart-Walls®. The results have been truly astonishing. I decided to become certified in the Emotion Code to gain further knowledge with this healing technique. My main aim is to help my loved ones and people around me. From the bottom of my heart, I am so thankful to Dr. Brad and The Emotion Code which really have changed my life.
Ha Le Thai ~ Bankstown, Australia
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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