“Our friend’s dad, Jim, came over for a Passover dinner we were having together. I asked him if I could try out an Emotion Code® session on him to see if it would help alleviate his pain. This was a good test for me because he is skeptical of these types of modalities but the family encouraged him to just try it out! He has been having chronic low back pain for many years and has been to chiropractors to get frequent adjustments. After releasing the first emotion, I had him take a walk and he noticed that it was easier to stand up from his couch and the pain went down a couple levels. After we released the next emotion, which was grief, his pain went down to a 1/10 and then 0/10 after releasing the last emotion. He was so shocked and even shook my hand afterwards sincerely thanking me! I was so happy that we could help him! Afterwards, he even went up a ladder to help our friend fix something on his patio. He said he still had no pain!”
~Andrew Schott, Ohio, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using the Emotion Code® or the Body Code™ for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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