“I read The Emotion Code® over a year ago and am currently re-reading it again with new eyes. The book changed my life… I cannot see the world the same way now and that is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Everything touches me on such a deep level that I have always somehow known. As an early childhood educator (at a Christian based school for 10 years) I got to reading one day and [determined I have] sensory processing disorder… I am an empath and feel energy all the time.
“I truly and deeply want to help people. I have meditated, prayed and done my research. After my last prayer to God for guidance, an energy ran through me with such force I knew I had my answer. That is why I am here right now and am very grateful to be. I am a teacher, a healer, and a facilitator of joy. I am very much looking forward to better understand how to better hone in what I have been practicing on my own.
“Why am I crying here? I am thankful, eager, happy, and relieved.
“The first Trapped Emotion I released was from my dog Tucker… He was grieving for not being able to say goodbye to his mom and the woman who helped take care of him as a puppy. We came to pick him up and that was it. The woman who helped birth him and love on him as a puppy passed away. It was beautiful moment and a testament to how well this works. I welled up with him and moved that stuff along.”
~Katherine T., USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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