If you’re human then you’re susceptible to getting sick. The leaves are beginning to fall and the air is definitely getting cooler. It’s one of my favorite seasons, and it also happens to be a perfect time to give your immune system a leg up by giving your body a chance to detoxify; to literally sweat it out.

And from personal experience I can tell you that one of the nicest, relaxing ways to do so is by taking a nice hot ginger detox bath. I have been taking these baths since last winter when I first learned about them, and now I can’t believe I ever lived without them!

When I learned about ginger baths, I was dealing with a dry skin, clogged pores situation on my chest that seemed to have become a permanent fixture much to my dismay. But after about 2 weeks of taking a bath at least a couple times a week I noticed the skin return to a normal state and the issue hasn’t returned! Seriously, these baths are the bees knees. Try one!

This bath will replenish your body’s magnesium level, flush toxins, assist with brain tissue and joint repair, and it will leave your skin silky smooth!


Fill the bath with comfortably warm or hot water
Add 1-2 Cups Epsom salt
Add 1-2 Cups Baking Soda (Optional)
Add 1 Tbsp – 1/3 Cup Fresh Ground or Juiced Ginger (You could also use ginger tea)
(Optional) Add aromatherapy essential oils if you like (More on essential oils)

Soak in the bath for about 40 minutes. Make sure you’re hydrated before and after the bath.

You may notice some slight redness on your skin after taking the bath due to the ginger cranking up the heat. You might also continue sweating after you get out of the bath and dry off. Just know these are side effects of shedding those pesky toxins!

Here’s what WikiHow says about Ginger Baths:

“Detoxification of your body through bathing is an ancient remedy that anyone can perform in the comfort of their own home. In detoxification circles, your skin is known as the third kidney, and toxins are excreted through sweating. A detox bath is thought to assist your body in eliminating toxins as well as absorbing the minerals and nutrients that are in the water. Most of all, it’ll leave you feeling refreshed and awakened.”

Click here for more detailed info on ginger baths
