Can the Emotion Code® work on children? We deeply believe the answer is yes! Truly, we have seen energy work change children’s perception of the world and allow them to be fully themselves in it. Additionally, it can help improve behavior, regulate emotions, and resolve symptoms such as bedwetting, nail biting, or night terrors.
Ask yourself: who would you be if you had the chance to grow up free of trapped emotions? Perhaps the person you imagine is filled with positive energy, free, lighthearted, and fully open to the world. What a beautiful gift we can give our children through the Emotion Code!
How the Emotion Code Can Help Children
Children tend to be more aware of the energies around them than adults are, and everything is energy. Children may take on others’ beliefs and limitations as they grow up, and slowly become less aware of their innate ability to sense and feel energies.
The Emotion Code is based on the idea that everything is energy, including our emotions. These emotions can become trapped anywhere in our body, and they can then “interfere” with the energy that exists within the body. The tissues in which the emotions are trapped can take on the frequency of the emotion. This can disrupt the body’s natural energetic frequencies. As a result, this can impact the way that the tissue functions. Using the Emotion Code to release the trapped emotion allows the tissue to return to its own frequency and natural state.
Emotions can become trapped at any point during our lives. Children and teens can benefit from the Emotion Code for a wide range of issues. This energy healing method can be helpful when children are having a hard time regulating their emotions, facing difficult situations, or experiencing mental or physical distress. The Emotion Code can also be a helpful way to release inherited trapped emotions that you (or your ancestors) might have passed along to your kids!
Children may not yet have the language to describe how they’re feeling or articulate what is causing them issues. The Emotion Code allows you to communicate with the subconscious so that the body is able to tell you exactly what it needs. It is a powerful tool to work with children for this reason – it allows you to help them even when they’re not able to tell you exactly what they need help with.
When we remove trapped emotions, their negative energy will quickly dissipate. Often this results in an immediate feeling of relief. In the days following an Emotion Code session, children may feel more free to be themselves, lighter, and more joyful!
When to Start Energy Work With Kids
Just think of how much a child goes through to be brought into this world. There are so many emotions that newborns could pick up from their mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, and not to mention the experience of being born. Who knows how these very first emotions will affect who they become? That’s why checking and releasing trapped emotions from babies is so important. Don’t stop there, continue to release trapped emotions from your kids throughout their development. In fact, releasing trapped emotions really never ends.
Let’s make it our goal to help our children from the very first instant they are born and continue on throughout their entire lives. We can do this by releasing their trapped emotions, and teaching them the Emotion Code!
Helping Children: Powerful Stories from Certified Emotion Code Practitioners:
“I have used the Emotion Code® on my three children and it has helped with their anxiousness. They used to be easily triggered and now I see them getting along much better. It has also helped my mother. She was extremely tough, never crying or showing emotions. She had a Heart-Wall®. Once it was released she was a different person. Now she’s able to express emotion. I have seen her tear up and become emotional over time.”
~Lilly R., California, USA
“A 9-year-old little girl was struggling at home, with her family, and with school. After one Emotion Code® session, her mom could not believe the HUGE change in the little girl, cooperating with everyone and being more settled in all aspects. The mom went on her Facebook profile and gave me a huge shout-out for our work with the Emotion Code!”
~Debbie A., Alberta, Canada
“A little girl named Gabby was left in the care of her grandmother who was a Meth addict. Later, when Gabby was 4 years old, she was adopted. Now she is 10 years old and has been constantly wetting the bed. She has been very emotional and sad. After I used the Emotion Code® to clear her Heart-Wall®, she has gained so much confidence! She has not wet the bed since then and she smiles all the time!
~Marlaina Kinn, South Dakota, USA
“After reading the book, I used the Emotion Code® with my daughters. They rapidly and easily integrated the changes made to release fear, frustration, and sadness. Children are so easy to work with! My 5-year-old saw me frustrated once and she mentioned the Emotion Code and even passed the magnet down my back. I had to laugh!”
~Daniela R., Thalwil, Switzerland
“Recently, I had a client who I felt inspired to gift her my copy of The Emotion Code, as she found it so helpful in our session. She told me that when she got home, her 18-year-old daughter had taken it and read the whole book. Both mother and daughter then began to work on themselves using the methods taught in the book, and here is her account of what happened:
“My daughter had many doctor appointments ranging over a four year period as the result of having pains in her stomach. At one point, she was rushed to the hospital with severe stomach issues, but the doctors could find no cause. She was eventually diagnosed with IBS. This caused her problems every day of her life. Medicinal drugs helped to alleviate the symptoms, but never the cause. After using the Emotion Code, her symptoms of IBS disappeared completely. We used the Emotion Code to treat trapped emotions such as anxiousness, nervousness, and worry which lifted the previous heaviness and knots in her stomach which then released any further symptoms.”
“My daughter also had a strange phobia of pineapple. She could not look, smell, touch, or eat it. We knew that my late mother strongly disliked pineapple. We decided that we should try and treat it as a trapped emotion that she may have picked up from her late grandmother and asked for it to be released. We also pinpointed that she was approximately one year of age when the emotion became trapped. She overcame her phobia instantly. It was so simple. She had had this phobia all her life. I gave her a piece of pineapple, which she managed to eat easily and enjoy. She was also able to cut up pieces of pineapple and look at the pineapple without any issues and she actually liked the taste.
The Emotion Code has changed my life and my daughter’s life. This has been the biggest gift in our lives.”
“What I perceive is that this method allows children to know that there are other ways of looking at discomfort in the body, or any other symptoms, and recognizing that we aren’t victims to it, but empowers them to recognize their own innate abilities and that they have a choice.”
~Charan Surdhar, Great Britain
Ready to learn the tools to help kids, support the children in your life, and make a real difference in the world? Explore Emotion Code Certification today!
I laughed out loud when I read that Charan’s son asks her to work her magic with the Emotion Code because my kids do exactly the same. When my 11-year-old daughter hurts herself, she goes into overwhelm and quite often shrieks ‘Quick!’ at me demanding I help her immediately while using a gesture like the Hand Solo method. Meanwhile, my 7-year-old son tells me his symptoms and patiently waits for me to clear the underlying cause, he even tries to use the Hand Solo method to find the answers & release them himself. Isn’t it amazing that this work will come so easy for our kids having been exposed to it as youngsters? In fact, my daughter shuns even paracetamol and has the expectation that I will find and release the underlying cause of each and every pain and discomfort she experiences. Of course I oblige her!
Incredible stories! Inspiring me to take my Emotion Code Book off the shelf to read again.