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Energy Work Diminishes OCD

"I worked with a young girl named Tine who has suffered with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since she left primary school. She cleaned all the time and continuously checked doors and locks. She lacked confidence and faith in herself and could not figure out how to stand up for herself and her feelings. "Her Heart-Wall® has been cleared and now she has a voice. She can say No and stand up for herself with a clear conscience and confidence. The OCD has diminished and takes up very little time. She is much more relaxed now." ~Sofia Kristoffersen, Hørning, Denmark While Discover Healing can't guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users' experiences.

The Smart Heart: Energy & Relationship Science

Research in relationship science is finding that the heart is a lot more than just a muscle that pumps oxygenated blood throughout your body. There is evidence that your heart has an intelligence of its own, with electromagnetic energy that can be 60 to even 1,000 times greater than your brain waves! With this kind of magnetism, it is no wonder that at times within our hearts we feel love at first sight — or conversely — perceive negativity if someone has a Heart-Wall or negative energy surrounding them. We believe this negativity is related to Trapped Emotions and confining heart walls can be released through practices like The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™. Electromagnetic Energy of the Heart Have you ever walked into a room and just felt a bad vibe? Tools like magnetocardiography have revealed that the energy of one’s heart can radiate up to 12 feet beyond their bodies. So if someone is exuding negativity, it can have a tremendous impact on anyone around them as they pick up on that energy. On the same note, have you ever been around people that seem to exude positivity and just make you feel good? If you believe in relationship science, you can easily buy into the idea that by radiating positive energy and good vibes, those people can significantly lighten the mood of a gathering, even under stressful situations. Now, if someone has subconsciously built a Heart-Wall [...]

Identifying Negative Energy and Ridding Yourself of It

Sometimes we might get bombarded, or worse yet, may bombard ourselves with negative energy without realizing it. Perhaps surprisingly, simple awareness can be one of your most important tools when it becomes necessary to discover and expose the negativity, release potential Trapped Emotions, and empower yourself to raise your vibration and reach a higher level of abundance. It is so easy to blame the space and people around you for the negative energy you are encountering, but you can take responsibility for your life and your feelings. If something is causing you pain — physically, emotionally or spiritually — you have the power to change it.   Physical Manifestations of Negative Energy Realizing that negative energy is impacting your life can be as easy as listening to your body. For many people, Trapped Emotions and negative energy can manifest as: Headaches Nausea Body aches Restlessness Stomach pain Chronic fatigue Irritability General malaise   Identifying the Source of Negative Energy Sometimes that negative energy hits you like a 6-foot wave, and other times it is so subtle it takes some soul searching to navigate to the source. This is when The Emotion Code is a wonderful tool to have at your fingertips. Through the use of muscle testing, either on yourself or through an Emotion Code practitioner by proxy, you can identify any Trapped Emotions that could be heightening the negative energy. You must keep an open mind, and be ready [...]

Energy Healing Essentials

What is energy healing? | The history of energy healing | Types of energy healing | How chakras work in energy healing | How trapped emotions could cause chakra imbalance | How you can become an energy healer In the United States alone, an estimated 54 million people ages 12 and older have abused prescription medications at least once in their lifetime. This staggering statistic highlights just how serious a risk things like prescription opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants may pose to public health. While many users initially take these common medications to aid in physical and mental health, many studies have shown that prescription drugs can actually cause the body more harm in the long run by increasing the effects of aging, causing irreversible heart and liver damage, and suppressing the immune system. Fortunately, modern western medicine isn’t the only solution to combating mental, physical, and emotional ailments. Energy healing, for example, has been used for centuries to help people recover from illnesses, traumatic experiences, and other afflictions. In this article, you can learn everything you need to know about energy healing, including: What is Energy Healing? Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a variety of holistic healing techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical wellbeing. By accessing, channeling, balancing, and manipulating the body’s natural energy centers, energy healing processes may help support health. While practices vary in methods [...]

4 Things You Never Knew About the Healing Arts

What You Don't Know About the Art of Energy Healing Often times, people approach the healing arts with equal parts interest, curiosity, and skepticism. However, if you’ve ever experienced the power of holistic health care or known someone whose illnesses or ailments have been helped through alternative medicine, you know just how advantageous these practices can be. Though the art of holistic healing has been around for thousands of years, and even while today’s experts continue to refine and develop these alternative practices, there are still many aspects of holistic medicine that take many by surprise. Energy healing, for example, is perhaps one of the most common forms of holistic medicine used today. What is Energy Healing? Energy Healing is an umbrella term for any type of treatment, practice, or method that uses the body’s natural energy flow to restore or maintain a healthy, holistic balance throughout the physical body. As an alternative means of healing, energy healing refers to the belief that aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual health can be treated by accessing and communicating with the subconscious. By using the mind-body connection to identify, access, balance, and manipulate the energies that promote healing and well-being, energy healing practices are able to access all aspects of the patient’s life, body, and mind to find a powerful, remedial solution. Below are four uncommon facts about energy healing that you may find interesting. 4 Interesting Facts About Energy Healing 1. [...]

How To Introduce Your Friends to Energy Healing

In a world where our society favors modern medicine and cutting-edge technologies influence the way doctors treat illnesses, pains, and diseases, it’s easy to see how the concept of energy healing and non-traditional medicine can be misunderstood. With billions and billions of dollars backing the development of western medicine, people more often default to the latest trends, rather than holistic methods that could, if applied properly, offer the same or better results, with less risk. As someone who has experienced the power of alternative medicine, you understand just how challenging it can be to debunk the common myths that persist about energy healing. Thankfully, with these insightful tips, you can develop strategies to help you overcome the apprehension of introducing family and friends to holistic healing methods, including energy healing and muscle testing. Tip 1: Use Layman’s Terms One of the quickest ways to turn someone off to the idea of energy healing is to start throwing around phrases like, ‘You’ve got imbalanced chakras,’ ‘You seem to be holding unresolved energy in your aura,’ or ‘We’re working to align your energy meridians.’ As to-the-point and applicable as these terms can be, using complex jargon will only confuse and intimidate those who are new to the concepts. Instead, when introducing energy healing to skeptics or novice learners, try to use layman’s terms and take your time explaining concepts. That’s not to say that you can’t mention applicable idioms, but be sure [...]

Is Energy Healing the Future of Health? These People Sure Think So

"I believe that the time is not far, when society in general, will see energy harmonizing and healing techniques as a natural part of social life and education." - Alina Voronova "I see energy medicine becoming the primary intervention of the future. People are beginning to realize that they are made up of much more than what is visible to the eye." - Angela Hannad "I believe one day energy medicine won’t even be called that as it will just be common sense to us all to keep our energy as clear as possible." - Lindsay Hopper

Synchronize Your Energy with the Vibrations of Music

Music is all around us, but how often are you feeling it? Chances are, all the time - good or bad, you are reacting to the music you hear. Just as you are a sum of energy, music comprises an energetic environment to respond to and connect with. Consequently, music has a huge impact on everything you do. From shopping to cooking, meditating to driving - music influences how we perceive things, establishes memories and sways our moods and behaviors. Soft, long-held notes center our mood to a tranquil, calmed state whereas abrupt and distorted sounds may increase anxiety and put us in an aggressive mood. The most important factor to recognize, however, is that your response to music is all relative. Every individual reacts differently to music, even when listening to the same song. Music has the ability to make you feel happy, sad, content and triumphant, but no two people have the exact same feelings about the sounds they hear. We do, however, have similar physical responses such as changes in breathing and heart rate variations but because we are all operating at different energy levels with different experiences influencing our impressions, no two experiences are identical. Identifying why music influences our mood is not as objective as you may think. Although some songs are obvious, like Adele's evocative "Someone Like You", which is arguably due to the musical ornament known as "appoggiatura" (an accented dissonance between a [...]

Your Tips for Talking to an Energy Healing Skeptic

What do you say to a loved one that doesn't believe in energy work? Dr. Brad posed this question to his fans on and boy did they ever answer! We've posted some of our favorite thoughts, if you would like to share any thoughts as well, please leave a comment. Randy T. Luckily, it doesn't require you to believe in it. If you will humor me a few moments, I will demonstrate the coolest party trick I know and you will feel so much better. Beth F. Ask them to rub their hands for a few seconds to make them sensitive, then pass your hands over their hands and they will feel the energy. I have never failed to have someone feel the energy. Pamela S. I Show them how it is working for me. I will be the concrete evidence they need. Usually it is not disbelief that they feel but fear of the energy work disguised as disbelief. Linda J. I ask their permission to pray for them & then do the work via long distance. I've never been refused. Heather M. I don't interfere with their free-will and beliefs. However, I DO tell them the offer still stands if they ever decide to give it a try. Angela H. For them...replace the word energy with becomes love work and isn't this work just that? Patricia M. If you believe in prayer, use that same faith; [...]
