Search results for: Trapped emotions pain

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The Trapped Emotions All Made Sense

My left ankle was so painful that it was difficult to walk. I'd been feeling it for a few days, maybe a week and time had not allowed for my addressing it. I uncovered a misalignment/connective tissue/disk issue and trapped emotions of despair, lack of control and an inherited trapped emotion of overwhelm were behind it. Once each one of these trapped emotions were released, my walk was so much easier. I had been going through extreme difficulty in my marriage and these trapped emotions were right on the mark. It was no wonder to me they needed to be released. ~ Pam G

Chronic Foot Pain Linked to Inherited Emotion of Pride

In July 2012, my sister Laurie was visiting one weekend and wanted to release some trapped emotions. I asked if she had any physical issues that we could work on and she said she experienced a sharp pain in the ball of her left foot about four times a week. She rated the pain an “eight” and said that when it occurred she would have to stop what she was doing and focus on breathing through it. We then proceeded to release one trapped emotion that day because that was all her subconscious would allow. The next day we decided to see if anything else could be released and she said, “By the way, last night in bed I was awakened by the foot pain, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it has been before.” We then released four more trapped emotions. A week later, I received a text from Laurie saying that she had not experienced the foot pain at all that week! That same day I was talking on the phone with my mom. She said that Laurie mentioned that we released some trapped emotions. I said that we did and told her about the pain that Laurie had in her left foot and that she just texted that it was gone. My mom said, “That’s funny, I experience a pain in the ball of my left foot a few times a week – I didn’t know [...]

Growing Pains Vanish Within Minutes, You Won’t Believe How Quickly The Emotion Code Works!

Every so often my younger daughter has growing pains. They come on strong and fast and always in the middle of the night (how come they don't happen during the day, when I'm alert and wide awake?). My husband and I are usually scrambling to quiet the crying down and to get back to our peaceful slumber, asap. Last night was such an event. We'd had a full day of celebrating July 4th—a potluck with friends, parade watching, Women's World Cup Finals, hot dogs and chips, sparklers and then fireworks. It was a fun-filled day packed with high energy. My daughter was sleeping in the basement with her sister and a friend and the next thing I knew I was being woken up to her crying at the foot of the bed, the head lamp on her forehead shining in my face. We are familiar with episodes of this pain and I know that it comes in waves and cycles through the night. Our initial approach is usually to have my husband massage her legs since he's a massage therapist and is sensitive to where the energy in her body has trouble moving. So my husband got to massaging her legs and things seemed to settle down and she fell asleep, as did the rest of us. Not more than an hour later we awoke again to crying, this time more intense, with my daughter shaking her legs in pain. [...]

She Was Completely Immobilized from Lower Back Pain, Her Relief Was “Unmistakable”

I once had incredible lower back pain where the spasms had me completely immobilized. My daughter used the Emotion Code to assist me with releasing some trapped emotions. The relief I soon felt from the pain was unmistakable. I'm so grateful for the Emotion Code! It's a wonderful tool that truly blesses lives. ~ Becky Welch

20 Minutes to Relieve Gallbladder Pain? It’s Possible with The Emotion Code!

A couple of weeks ago one of my clients came to session with a terrible pain in her gallbladder, saying she had come from her doctor's office and would probably need to have it removed. In one session we were able to remove 22 different emotions trapped in her gallbladder and, in a matter of 20 minutes, her pain was gone and she could skip the operation! Love The Emotion Code! Andrea ~ Mexico City, Mexico

Can Age, Aches and Pains be Diverted?

Someone recently said to me “You better be careful because you know, as you get older the areas where you fell and hurt yourself will become painful.” This comment made me think about our beliefs and the collective beliefs about aging. Also, I became more thankful for The Emotion Code and The Body Code in my life. Of course, as everything is energy, so are our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. When we believe something to be true, that belief bathes the energy of our glands, organs, tissues and cells, which is energy too. This soup of our own beliefs, familial beliefs, and the collective, is the soup that our energy is bathing in. This creates our internal environment to which the cells respond, reflecting back to us that we have these beliefs present in our energy field. Not do our beliefs, but also emotions we experience, can become trapped in our energy field, adding to this soup. When I heard this comment about aging, and it’s connection to the places in my body that had been injured as a result of falling or having an accident, I remember experiencing certain emotions at those times, maybe "shock" or "panic" for example. These emotions can be trapped in those areas adding to this energy field soup. The realization I had from all of this, and the gift I received from this comment was that using these tools we can release trapped emotions [...]
