“While doing my practice sessions for Emotion Code® Certification, I offered one to a friend of 20 years who I knew to have struggled her whole life with abandonment issues. She was given up for adoption at birth, eventually placed with a family, but the mother died when she was 7 and was subsequently raised by a responsible but emotionally distant parent. At 76, she has worked through many processes to help her heal from the impact these experiences had, with some success, but never fully resolving it.
“Our first session released several trapped emotions which were important to remove, as they allowed her to face and release the hatred and resentment she’d been unconsciously carrying for her birth mother. It also introduced her Heart-Wall®, which would need another session to release. We spoke between sessions, and she had found herself sleeping better, and able to enjoy more peaceful meditation time, and felt “lighter,” looking forward to her Heart-Wall appointment. I couldn’t have predicted what followed in that appointment.
“As often occurs, the Heart-Wall session led us through several questions, and was supplemented with Body Code™ work as well. A story began to take shape, but it was different from the one she had lived believing.
“Her birth mother was underage. She didn’t give her baby away, it was taken. She suffered terrible anguish throughout the pregnancy and terrible grief in the birth. Her spirit never disconnected from her baby but longed for it her whole life. My client had never considered this. Her belief was that she had a mother who simply didn’t want her. Tears were flowing from both of us. Discussion of the implications, and, a sense of a presence getting stronger until we both, together, said, “She’s here.” Initially we were both just staring and holding our breath, hoping to see something, I suppose, but then the thought came clearly to me that she needed to tell her mother that she forgave her and she loved her, which she did through tears, but without hesitation. What we weren’t prepared for was the strong, palpable hug that first she got, and then I got. I jerked, startled by the feeling, looking around me for the person that was unmistakably there, but unseeable. The atmosphere became electric – we were literally giddy (laughing and crying as I am right now), just thinking about it, and so happy to have her mother in our presence. It took a while to calm, and once collected, I extended releases of confusion and abandonment to future generations and ended the session as I do with a prayer of gratitude.
“The outcome, far greater than we’d hoped, resolved the issue, removed the depressive states, inspired her to become creatively productive and she maintains an open and active relationship with her mother’s spirit, which she loves. Her heart is happy, and the next chapters of her life will be enjoyed with ease.
“I live in a retirement environment, and find that many who contact me have similarly been dealing with issues from early childhood, for virtually a lifetime. When we are younger we seem to feel there is always time ahead to address things, but at some point that “ahead” is here, and if it wasn’t addressed, it’s affecting this last period of our time, which should be enjoyed. I am so very grateful for Dr. Brad’s work and being able to assist people ready to release these trapped emotions, and go have fun! ”
Carol Haimbaugh, CECP; Florida, USA
While Discover Healing can’t guarantee any specific results and submitted testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The Emotion Code® for any particular issue or problem, published testimonials reflect these specific users’ experiences.
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