In a society where modern medicine is the norm and big pharma companies are getting bigger, holistic wellness techniques can be easily overshadowed or discounted. In past years, subscribing to solutions that might be considered unorthodox could earn you the label of being a bit different or unconventional. The times, however, seem to be changing!
Though people have used complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for thousands of years, research from institutions like the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) indicates that there is a growing percentage of Americans who are taking their personal health and well-being into their own hands with a more holistic and alternative approach. Statistics show that over a third of the American population seek alternative ways to relieve pain from chronic conditions, improve overall health, and relieve stress. People are turning to everything from fish oil and probiotics, to deep breathing and meditation, in hopes of feeling better and improving their quality of life.
One popular method of complementary and alternative medicine is energy healing.
What is Energy Healing?
Energy healing is intended to tune into the body’s frequencies and the subconscious mind to pinpoint the stressors, thoughts, and emotions impeding our overall health and well-being. Through energy healing, practitioners are reputed to use heightened levels of consciousness and even spirituality to help their clients achieve a mind-body balance that may aid in overall wellness and alleviate many health concerns.
Though it’s been practiced for millennia, many people remain skeptical of energy healing or don’t fully understand it. Energy healing isn’t about magic crystals, incense, and chanting. In fact, energy healing is now being taken seriously by health practitioners across all realms of medicine and is considered a legitimate practice and profession by growing numbers of people around the globe.
Like the aforementioned “magic crystals and incense” myth, there are several common misconceptions about energy healing. After debunking these common myths, you might find that energy healing can benefit you in ways that more traditional methods might not.
Myth #1: There’s no science behind energy healing
One of the biggest energy healing myths is that there is no science behind it and that it’s all pretense. However, that is simply not the case. Along with leading institutions like the NCCAM and NCHS, the NIH’s National Center for Complementary Health (NCCIH) has spent years conducting scientifically-backed research about the potential effectiveness, quality, and benefits of energy healing. Through these studies, researchers have found that energy healing may be used to improve the immune system, reduce pain, facilitate and speed recovery, and much, much more. You can learn more about the science here.
Myth #2: Energy healing requires you to be religious
Simply put, energy healing is designed to activate the body’s energy systems and remove any negative energies or blocks that may prevent self-healing. In no way does this process require you to subscribe to a particular religion in which you believe in a God. Rather, we believe energy healing is about trusting in a power bigger than yourself – what matters is its significance to you, not whether it’s religious or not – and balancing the energies within your body and mind.
Myth #3: Energy therapy is massage therapy
Though massage therapists might use energy healing techniques in their practice, energy healing is not a massage. Some types of energy healing involve the practitioner conducting a series of hand movements over your body, with the intent of assisting the flow of energy. Some other methods may include applying magnets to the meridians of the body, or muscle testing. In no way do these practices involve physically manipulating or massaging your tissues.
Myth #4: You have to use an energy practitioner
While using a certified practitioner can be beneficial, there are several ways you might achieve energy wellness by yourself. If, for example, you decide to visit an energy practitioner, you may be able to continue feeding that positive energy by bathing in Epsom or pink Himalayan salt, using positive affirmations, or relaxation techniques. You can also use established systems such as the Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and Belief Code®, which anyone can learn how to use. These methods are designed to show you how to tap into your subconscious mind and remove the trapped energies and other imbalances that could be the cause of physical and emotional ailments.
Myth #5: Energy therapy exhausts your own energy
One common myth is that an energy practitioner can transfer energies out of your body and leave you feeling exhausted. Instead, our premise is that energy practitioners work to remove energetic imbalances in order to create better balance and leave you feeling better, rather than depleted. While there can be some temporary discomfort from processing after an energy healing session (such as high emotions or lethargy), we believe the result is worth it.
Myth #6: Energy healing is a new, modern practice
The practice of energy healing has been around for thousands of years. Before the introduction of Western medicine, many people turned to the local medicine woman or shaman to help maintain or improve their health. These primitive practitioners would use an array of techniques in an effort to align their patients’ energies and enhance the body’s own recovery abilities. Even today, traditional Chinese medicine incorporates and relies on the use of chakras, channels, and meridians to influence health and well-being.
Myth #7: Energy healing is old and out of date
Alternatively, you may have heard things like, “Sure, energy healing can be traced back to the beginning of human existence, but that doesn’t mean that people still use it today.” However, the percentage of individuals engaging in energy healing and other holistic practices continues to grow each year. According to the studies referenced above, growing numbers of American adults (over one-third) turn to solutions outside of Western medicine for health and recovery.
Myth #8: Energy healing will make you a hippie
So you don’t have to be religious, you don’t need to be a professional, and you don’t have to be old-school to practice energy healing. Guess what else you don’t have to be – a hippie (but if that’s your thing, that’s okay, too!). Energy healing is a proven, effective way to improve health and happiness. It has been embraced by people from diverse backgrounds and belief systems. There’s no ‘type’ of person you need to be to use energy healing, and it won’t change who you are. It might open you up to experience more love, connection, and happiness though!
Myth #9: You need special energy healing ‘powers’
Anyone can become an energy practitioner. The most important thing is that you have the desire to help others. As long as you have that desire and feel confident in your own belief that the mind, body, and spirit are all connected, we believe you can become an energy practitioner and help others achieve balance.
Myth #10: Energy Healing Replaces Conventional Medicine
While energy healing is powerful, it’s most effective as a complementary approach to conventional medicine. It’s always a good idea to speak to your doctor about serious health issues! While energy healing can can be used in conjunction with medical treatment, it’s important to recognize that energy healing is not a substitute for professional medical care. It should complement, rather than replace, traditional healthcare practices.
Starting Your Energy Healing Journey
If you are interested in unlocking your energy healing superpowers, start your journey with the Emotion Code. You can learn how to make a difference in your life and the lives of loved ones. Unleash the powers within you, today!
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